Am 2. März veranstalten wir unseren traditionellen #AppleDay für die #FAU und die bayrischen Hochschulen und Universitäten.
Diesmal versuchen wir die Veranstaltung hybrid - sowohl vor Ort als auch über VC - anzubieten.
Mehr Infos gibt‘s unter https://blogs.fau.de/faumac/apple-day-am-2-maerz-2022/
#AppleDay: Because of the heat under their feet on the #Celtic #Otherworld island of the `burning earth`, #MaelDuin and his seafarers had to collect the apples by night. These saved them from hunger and thirst.
Source: Guyonvarc'h/Le Roux `Die #Druiden`
RT @world_mythology@twitter.com
It's #Apple Day in the UK.
In #Irish #mythology, there is a mythical island called Emain Ablach.
"Ablach" means apple.
It is the domain of sea god Manannán.
He once gave the branch with soothing, golden apples to legendary High King Cormac in exchange for his family.
#appleday #celtic #otherworld #MaelDuin #Druiden #apple #irish #mythology
#AppleDay: When they were again weakened by hunger and thirst, #Mael Duin and his seafarers arrived at a large forested island of the #Celtic #Otherworld. Here were many fruit trees bearing countless golden apples. These were consumed by pig-like, burning animals.
#appleday #Mael #celtic #otherworld
RT @lorraineelizab6@twitter.com
Fine in Brehon Law, for cutting down an apple tree was 5 milk cows & double that if the tree belonged to a chieftain! The Apple tree was among the ‘7 nobles of the woods’ along with Ash, Oak, Hazel, Holly, Scots pine & Yew! A name of the Otherworld=Isle of Apple Trees! #AppleDay
RT @BardCumberland@twitter.com
#AppleDay🍎 in Cumbrian dialect, gowk is an apple core (also cuckoo and idiot)
the crab apple is our original apple tree. It's a magical tree, having the power of healing, and used by Druids to journey into The Otherworld
#appleday #apples #magic #druids #cumbria
Happy #AppleDay 🍏🍎🥰🤗 Our name (Afallen) means Apple Tree
We're making Wales & the world more sustainable. Get in touch with our Partners @MariArthur@twitter.com or @davidoclubb@twitter.com if you'd like to find out how we can help improve the outcomes of your project 🤝☕
We'd like to wish everyone a very happy #AppleDay 🍏🍎🗓️🥰🤗
Our name (Afallen) means Apple Tree. We love the symbolism of nourishment and renewal.
We're working towards making Wales and the world more sustainable. Get in touch with our Partners Peter Trott, Mari Arthur or @davidoclubb if you'd like to find out how we can help improve the outcomes of your project 🤝☕