Apple's fall event is coming up and it's expected that the iPhone 15 will adopt USB-C. Let's clear a few things up:
▶︎ Apple designed Lightning as a modern connector for "the next decade" (that was in September 2012).
▶︎ Apple needed a reversible, universal adapter (well, "universal" to Apple at least) in 2012 - USB-C spec was still two years away from being published.
▶︎ Apple "isn't mad" about changing to USB-C. If anything, Apple must have a crystal ball because they hit the "decade" nail on the head! If it wasn't for COVID, I bet the transition would have completed MUCH sooner.
▶︎ Apple has already been transitioning to USB-C since 2016. Remember the redesigned MacBooks? Every model since has been USB-C and it's been nothing but complaining about "dongle hell" ignoring the fact that maybe it's the peripheral manufacturers refusing to give up USB-A?
▶︎ Proprietary ports, open standard ports. Nothing seems to make anyone happy. While USB-C is far from perfect, it FINALLY embraces the "Universal" part of Universal Serial Bus.
▶︎ BTW, Apple sits on the Board of Directors for the USB Implementers Forum... so... yeah, they're kinda into this whole USB thing and know proprietary connectors are so 2012.
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#apple #iphone #iphone15 #lightningconnector #usbc #applefallevent #applespecialevent #appleevent