@Green_Footballs ooh, the Centris was nice. I’m guessing 1992. my friend in college had one
first mac we had was an Apple IIe. I remember it mostly for Ultima IV
:apple_inc: 2017 first boot test of my just acquired Apple IIe
#appleiiforever #appril2 #appleiie #appleii
J'ai reçu les disquettes 5.25 (New old stock) que j'avais trouvé à vraiment pas cher. J'ai fait un test de transfert d'image disque sur l'Apple IIe (avec le logiciel ADTpro), pas de soucis les disquettes fonctionnent parfaitement !
#retrocomputing #appleiie
Has anyone ever seen info on adapting an Apple IIe keyboard to ADB?
Ars Technica: Huge collection of vintage Apple computers goes to auction next week https://arstechnica.com/?p=1926682 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #TwentiethAnniversaryMac #computercollection #Vintagecomputing #vintageapple #PowerBookG4 #Macintosh #PowerBook #appleiic #AppleIIe #PowerMac #AppleII #Biz&IT #newton #apple #iMac
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #twentiethanniversarymac #computercollection #vintagecomputing #vintageapple #powerbookg4 #macintosh #powerbook #appleiic #appleiie #powermac #appleii #biz #Newton #apple #imac
Huge collection of vintage Apple computers goes to auction next week - Enlarge / I mostly recognize this early laptop from its resemblance to ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1926682 #twentiethanniversarymac #computercollection #vintagecomputing #vintageapple #powerbookg4 #macintosh #powerbook #appleiic #appleiie #powermac #appleii #biz #newton #apple #imac
#imac #apple #newton #biz #appleii #powermac #appleiie #appleiic #powerbook #macintosh #powerbookg4 #VintageApple #vintagecomputing #computercollection #twentiethanniversarymac
Treated myself. My last Apple computer (IIe)
And my new Apple computer. #apple #apple2e #appleiie #macbookpro
#macbookpro #appleiie #apple2e #apple
Discovered retro 8-bit computer programming click bait
You can read it on Internet Archive
Of course, it is not what you think
#ClickBait #RetroComputing #BASICProgramming #computerGames #IBMPC #AppleII #AppleIIe #TRS-80
#clickbait #retrocomputing #basicprogramming #computergames #ibmpc #appleii #appleiie #trs
Today’s not just the 40th anniversary of the #AppleLisa, it’s also the 40th anniversary of the #AppleIIe! Why not learn about its history and impact by reading (or listening) to Computers of Significant History? https://www.userlandia.com/home/2022/2/apple-iie
Went to the local thrift store this morning. I wanted the #AppleIIe system they had (mainly the monitor stand) but there was a young kid and his father looking at it. The price was too high and they were going to pass it up but I know the person responsible for the pricing and told her she should lower the price. She agreed to sell it to the kid for much less.
A new generation is joining the #VintageComputing / #RetroComputing hobby.
(I did buy the Franklin monochrome monitor)
#appleiie #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing
:apple_inc: Apple Macintosh LC II with an Apple IIe card and a pair of Apple II 5.25 Drives with Macintosh 12-inch RGB monitor and Apple Desktop Bus Keyboard running MECC Computer Inspector
#apple #macintosh #macintoshlcii
#appleii #appleiie #appleiiforever
#retrocomputing #vintagemac
#VintageMac #retrocomputing #appleiiforever #appleiie #appleii #macintoshlcii #macintosh #apple
OOh, I just saw your #SmashBits page about the #Apple2 - that was the first computer I had regular time with. My Dad had one at work at his hospital and I'd go in every day and try to write programs on it when he wasn't using it.
#appleiie #appleii #apple #retrocomputing #apple2 #smashbits
And I fixed it..
Turned out that one of the potentiometers in the read path was somehow tuned to 10k Ohm instead of 5k as on working board.
Meh.. Spent evening attempting to troubleshoot Apple IIe disk drive number 2 failure.
Current conclusion is that there's something broken on the analog board.
Board from disk 1 worked fine with this disk and also confirmed that all socketed chips from drive number two work on board 1.
Therefore it seems that issue is somewhere at the read path...
The Print Shop Club via theprintshop.club [Shared]
The Print Shop, released in 1984, is a software package for the Apple II computer (and others) that allows for the quick and easy creation of posters, greeting cards, banners, and other things.
Play with the Print Shop
#technology #vintage #apple #appleiie #appleii #pdf #emulation #webapp
#technology #vintage #apple #appleiie #appleii #pdf #emulation #webapp
These are the original manuals from my Apple //e along with another reference book. The //e was not my very first computer (that was a C64), but it was the one I used most extensively through my teenage years. It is long-gone but the manuals survive. I wish I still had the book on 6502 machine language (I don’t recall the title, but I think I’d recognize the cover). #Apple #appleii #appleiie
I'll be hanging out with Trina and the gang tonight, fixing an Apple IIe. Come join us, wontcha?
Sent to me by a friend this afternoon while he and his wife were antiquing. #appleiie