Yay! #Updates galore! 🤣 Another round of #Apple software updates.
#macOS #iOS #iPadOS #watchOS #tvOS #AppleMac #iPhone #iPad #AppleWatch #AppleTV
#update #Apple #macos #ios #ipados #watchos #tvos #applemac #iPhone #iPad #AppleWatch #appletv
Is it usual for the iCloud sync indicator to ‘stick’ in Finder on the #AppleMac?
Could it be a network issue? I recently started using #AdGuardDNS and I'm wondering if it is blocking anything? To see if that was the cause I've switched #DNS in the EtherNet and Wi-Fi network settings (on the Mac) to use #Cloudflare instead.
Or should I just point the DNS on the Mac to the network Router? What so do you guys set your DNS to on your Mac?
Any help or suggestions or even thoughts are appreciated.
#applemac #adguarddns #dns #cloudflare
I’m very happy to say I’ve now set two of my HomePod Minis as a stereo pair on my desk. Working perfectly for audio and now I’m using Optimus Player it looks like my films are no lip-syncing properly. The tests will continue!
#homepod #stereopair #optimus #applemac
#homepod #stereopair #optimus #applemac
3Wiz! for the Apple Macintosh
#3Wiz #AppleMacintosh #AppleMac #MacOS #Tetris #3DTetris #Tetrisclone #Puzzle #Puzzlegame #Fallingblocks #FrancescoMMunafo
#francescommunafo #fallingblocks #puzzlegame #puzzle #tetrisclone #3dtetris #tetris #macos #applemac #AppleMacintosh #3wiz
3Tris for the Apple Macintosh
#3Tris #AppleMacintosh #Apple #Macintosh #AppleMac #Mac #MacOS #Tetris #Tetrisclone #FrancescoMMunafo
#francescommunafo #tetrisclone #tetris #macos #mac #applemac #macintosh #apple #AppleMacintosh #3tris
Anyone using a non-Apple display with a recent Mac Studio or Mac Mini? Recommendations very welcome.
Particularly interested to hear if there’s anything specific to the M1/M2 chips.
3rd Floor for the Apple Macintosh
#3rdFloor #AppleMacintosh #AppleMac #MacOS #Apple #Macintosh #Mac #WorldBuilder #WorldBuildergame #Adventure #Pointandclick #Turnbasedcombat #JOlson
#jolson #turnbasedcombat #pointandclick #adventure #worldbuildergame #worldbuilder #mac #macintosh #apple #macos #applemac #AppleMacintosh #3rdfloor
New desk accessory to brighten up a Monday.
#applewatch #applemac #macintosh
#applewatch #applemac #macintosh
3D Toad Panic for the Apple Macintosh
#3DToadPanic #AppleMacintosh #AppleMac #MacOS #Apple #Macintosh #Mac #Frogger #Froggerclone #Platformer #Platforming #Platform #3DFrogFrenzy #ToadPanic #WebfootTechnologies #Webfoot
#webfoot #webfoottechnologies #toadpanic #3dfrogfrenzy #platform #platforming #platformer #froggerclone #frogger #mac #macintosh #apple #macos #applemac #AppleMacintosh #3dtoadpanic
3D Tic Tac Toe for the Apple Macintosh
#3DTicTacToe #AppleMacintosh #AppleMac #Apple #Macintosh #MacOS #Mac #TicTacToe #NoughtsandCrosses #Boardgame #Strategy #ChristopherGross #SteveChristensen
#stevechristensen #christophergross #strategy #boardgame #noughtsandcrosses #tictactoe #mac #macos #macintosh #apple #applemac #AppleMacintosh #3dtictactoe
3D Thinking Lab for the Apple Macintosh
#3DThinkingLab #AppleMacintosh #Apple #Macintosh #AppleMac #MacOS #Educational #Edutainment #Puzzle #Logic #EdmarkCorporation #Edmark
#edmark #edmarkcorporation #logic #puzzle #edutainment #educational #macos #applemac #macintosh #apple #AppleMacintosh #3dthinkinglab
3D Railroad: Concept and Design for the Apple Macintosh
#3DRailroadConceptandDesign #3DRailroad #AppleMacintosh #Apple #Macintosh #AppleMac #Mac #MacOS #Simulation #Modeltraintrack #Train #Trains #Abracadata
#abracadata #trains #train #modeltraintrack #simulation #macos #mac #applemac #macintosh #apple #AppleMacintosh #3drailroad #3drailroadconceptanddesign
3D Paddle Bash! (v. 1.4) for the Apple Macintosh
#3DPaddleBash #AppleMacintosh #Apple #Macintosh #AppleMac #MacOS #Mac #Pong #Tennis #3DPong #3DTennis #MatthewDiamond
#matthewdiamond #3dtennis #3dpong #tennis #pong #mac #macos #applemac #macintosh #apple #AppleMacintosh #3dpaddlebash
#gaming #ps5 #homeoffice #applemac ; Did some rearranging last week to use the space better
#applemac #homeoffice #ps5 #gaming
@sheepnik I was wrong 😑! Just hold down the letter key on #AppleMac to access #AccentedLetters , er enghraifft tŷ, tô, ffatrïoedd :tŵt:
3D Checkers for the Apple Macintosh
#3DCheckers #AppleMacintosh #Macintosh #AppleMac #Mac #Checkers #Boardgame #Boardvideogame #VikingTechnologies
#vikingtechnologies #boardvideogame #boardgame #checkers #mac #applemac #macintosh #AppleMacintosh #3dcheckers
This also works on #AppleMac
From: @sheepnik
Morning ahhhh! I've been using an #Applemac for 3 years and only just realised you can increase the text size in iMessage..... who knew!
In general, a #Hackintosh is nice to have along an (maybe older) #AppleMac.
I wouldn't want an #Hackintosh as my sole machine.