Using Apple ‘Add Scan’ feature, I can add additional pages to Apple Notes.
#Apple #iOS #iPhone #AppleNotes
#apple #ios #iphone #applenotes
It’s my first day with my new Field Notes dotted graph memo book. 📓
What a get addition to have Field Notes by my side at work.
I can scan the pages into Apple Notes and it is searchable through OCR.
#fieldnotes #applenotes #bulletjournal
Dlaczego nie używam aplikacji typu #Notion #ObsidianMD?
Uwielbiam #Markdown! Zapewnia on kompatybilność i stałość. Wszystkie notatki będą wyglądać w 99% tak samo niezależnie od aplikacji, która je wyświetla.
Ale to mi nie wystarcza…
W każdej z tych aplikacji występuje jeden poważny błąd: synchronizacja. A raczej jej szybkość.
Nie mogę sobie pozwolić, żeby czekać kilka minut, aż wyświetlą mi się notatki. Muszę mieć do nich natychmiastowy dostęp, a to zapewnia mi tylko #AppleNotes.
#notion #obsidianmd #markdown #applenotes
5 Best Evernote Alternatives
Check it out! 👇
#microsoftonenote #applenotes #productivity #appsandwebapps
Five apps I use every day. 📲
1. Day One journal
2. Upnote
3. Apple Notes
4. Apple Reminders
5. Apple Calendar
Read more about my 5 apps here -
#apple #ios #macos #dayoneapp #upnote #applenotes
Apple rollt zweite öffentliche Betas von iOS 17, iPadOS 17 und macOS Sonoma aus
Die Tech-Giganten von Apple haben die zweite öffentliche Betaversion von iOS 17, iPadOS 17 und mac
#iPad #iPhone #Mac #News #Apple #AppleBetaSoftwareProgramm #AppleNotes #Betriebssysteme #Freeform #iMessage #IOS17 #IPadOS17 #Kompatibilitt #MacOSSonoma #ffentlicheBetas #Safari #SoftwareUpdate
#iPad #iphone #Mac #News #Apple #applebetasoftwareprogramm #applenotes #betriebssysteme #freeform #imessage #ios17 #ipados17 #kompatibilitt #macossonoma #ffentlichebetas #safari #softwareupdate
drew our hand sanitiser while waiting for food yesterday
#applenotes #drawing #sketch #art
Here is the Part 2 of my journey from digital to analog note taking
#productivity #todoist #reminder #applenotes
One of the things I'm most excited for in the upcoming Apple OS releases is code blocks in #AppleNotes.
(And isn't there an Apple Notes developer here on Mastodon?)
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It's sad that as iOS 17 approaches, we still don't have smart albums in the #ApplePhotos app, nor any way to crop and resize photos in the #AppleNotes app.
Come on #Apple, throw us a frickin bone here.
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#applephotos #applenotes #Apple
All these #Youtube #Productivity wankers showing off their ludicrously complicated systems for taking notes, tracking todos etc.
You know what I use? #AppleNotes #AppleReminders and #AppleCalendar
Keep it simple, get more done.
#youtube #productivity #applenotes #applereminders #applecalendar
@gurtt I actually design airports… and I disagree with you.
People gravitate to different tools for different reasons. #AppleNotes #Notion and #Obsidian can each be approached with simplicity or complexity, regardless of what you’re using it for. Even if I weren’t designing airports, Apple Notes didn’t click for my organizational needs and thought processes (even if it has come a long way).
It’s okay for people to use the tools that make sense to them and their wants/needs.
@madelainetaylor I’m in the early stages of trying to use #AppleNotes as it’s so handy on Mac and iPhone. It looks as if the new OS, currently in beta, will facilitate forward but not backwards links. It may be as much as I need, though I’ve also been toying with #Obsidian.
These #Evernote layoffs were the final kick for me to finally move everything left into #AppleNotes and close out my account. This is after a year of the app constantly forgetting my subscription, and their asinine device limits knocking me out of the app.
@ethanschoonover The worst thing about #AppleNotes imo is the lock-in. They make it a PITA to get your notes out in bulk and in a reasonably organized state. I’d never use it for #PKM or serious #notetaking. But it’s convenient for sharing stuff like short-term notes and shopping lists with non-techie Apple-using family members and friends.
@tekphloyd Do #applenotes dropped into a Freeform project do live-updating? This new linking feature is great, and I was thinking about using it for some mind-mapping.
I figured out where the option to link notes is. It is hidden on the "Edit menu" on iOS and iPadOS.😛
I'm happy to see the link a note and block quote new features. And I love the improved monostyled — great for code blocks. I still miss a way to "edit source" using markdown and the option to add a horizontal line.
Notes has almost all the features of a Wiki now, which is excellent! And to be clear, there is nothing there related to Obsidian.
#Apple #applenotes #ios17 #ipados17 #macos14
Since 2021 I’ve been reading tweets, posts, and watching YouTube videos going the same direction. #AppleNotes isn’t perfect, we all can agree with that, but it’s really convenient. I also find myself between #Craft and Apple Notes because of the lack of templates, code snippets, and note linking on Apple’s, but I also have most of my notes o the latest.
Is this a trend? Are we going back to simple, reliable and convenient over other more powerful options?
For those interested in digital note-taking, this is a nice tour of the features of Apple Notes. I love and use the app for all of my notes now, having moved from the bloated Evernote that I had used for years. Apple Note’s synching and security are much better.
#applenotes #notes #notetaking #paperless
Apple journaling app will be part of iOS 17, Sherlocking Day One - 9to5Mac
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I’ll be very interested to see if this comes to pass and what features #Apple puts into a v1 product. I used Day One for a long time, but (IMO) didn’t progress, so I’ve been using #AppleNotes as my daily journal with great success.
Hopefully Apple will integrate with Reminders, which is what never came to pass with Day One.
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