The strongest indication that we will see #AppleReality at #WWDC doesn’t come from any leaks, but by #Meta revealing the Quest 3 ahead of #Apple’s keynote on Monday.
#applereality #wwdc #meta #apple
What about shipping to customers? I’m not sure, but thinking it will go like this.
Being introduced to developers at this keynote, and offering a dev kit with delivery in June. Then previewing it a second time in September at the iPhone keynote.
The Watch was introduced in September 2014, and previewed again at a spring event in 2015. They didn’t announce pricing for the Watch until the second keynote. I don’t think that will happen with #AppleReality because of a dev kit being very likely.
Love when @gruber drops some insider nuggets of his own betwixt a casual takedown. #AppleReality #AppleHeadset
Report: Apple’s mixed reality headset is just a few months away - Enlarge / The "Sword of Damocles" head-mounted display, the original au... - #applerealityone #applyrealitypro #applereality #mixedreality #markgurman #realityos #apple #tech #vr
#vr #tech #apple #realityos #markgurman #mixedreality #applereality #applyrealitypro #applerealityone
Trademark filing for “Reality Pro” suggests Apple’s headset is on the way - Enlarge / A building at Apple Park, the company's Cupertino, California... - #applerealitypro #applerealityos #applereality #mixedreality #realitypro #realityos #headset #reality #tech #hmd #ar #vr #xr
#xr #vr #ar #hmd #tech #reality #headset #realityos #realitypro #mixedreality #applereality #applerealityos #applerealitypro