Vielleicht sollte ich darüber nachdenken, den Kindern eigene HomePods zu spendieren. #AppleReplay
I'm convinced that Apple's year-end Replay playlist doesn't include anything from mobile devices or AppleTV. Streamed a ton of Apple Music on my phone this year, at least a couple of hours a day, and somehow my number one artist in early December was director John Carpenter because I used some of his tracks during a couple of Monster of the Week sessions. No one else I listened to on my phone on repeat, like the recent Craig Finn & Origami Angel records, showed up at all. #AppleReplay
My top ten most listened to artists in ‘22 according to #AppleReplay
1. #WetLeg
2. #ledzepplin
3. #TheWaterboys
4. #Blur
5. #TalkingHeads
6. #TheHorrors
7. #Pavement
8. #TheBeatles
9. #TheVelvetUnderground
10. #BeastieBoys
I pretty much had Wer Leg on repeat this summer.
#AppleMusic #music
#applereplay #WetLeg #ledzepplin #TheWaterboys #blur #talkingheads #thehorrors #pavement #thebeatles #TheVelvetUnderground #beastieboys #AppleMusic #music
Found my Apple Replay: 15 hours of Miranda Lambert, 12 hours of P!nk, 10 hours of Terri Clark, 3.5 hours of Queen Latifah. #AppleReplay #2022Mood
Guess it's that time of the year: music app listening summary.
#GIDLE comfortably on top!
OK, yeah, I’d forgotten somehow how much I love Rex Incognito/浮世閑歩 until #AppleMusic #AppleReplay reminded me yesterday, and now it’s back on repeat.
If you feel so inclined reply with a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you what song was that number on my #AppleReplay list!
What’s up with this #SpotifyWrapped ? I’m on Apple, luckily we get something called #Applereplay.
What’s up with this #SpotifyWrapped ? I’m on Apple, luckily we get something called #Applereplay.
Zazwyczaj nie prostuję takich rzeczy ale to jest dobra okazja by napisać kilka miłych słów o muzyce której słucham.
Twórczość Essenger jest niesamowicie klimatyczna, nieco przywodząca samotne chodzenie ulicami miasta w deszczu. Coś warstwa liryczna nawiązująca do cyberpunku to jest po prostu coś wobec czego nie umiem przejść obojętnie.
Machinae Supremacy to natomiast bomba energetyczna, a kto nie grał w Jets n' Guns ten trąba. Niemniej nie tylko tym oni stoją. Optymizm i pozytywne emocje aż kipią z każdej piosenki.
Co to ostatniej pozycji, jeśli nie słyszałeś o ostatniej, to znaczy że żyjesz pod bardzo wygodnym kamieniem. Mimo ilości memów nie mam dość tego soundtracku, i wciąż to genialny soundtrack do treningu.
#applereplay #spotifywarped
Dodaję te hashtagi by można było to łatwo odfiltrować, wielu ludzi na na nie alergię.
Nie używam Spotify więc nie mam też #spotifywrapped
Używam za to Apple music (od niedawna) więc prezentuję #applereplay
Apple Replay、からこれ時間私の日本Apple Musicアカウント。
Apple Replay, this time from my Japanese Apple Music account.
Apple Replay、からこれ時間私の日本Apple Musicアカウント。
Apple Replay, this time from my Japanese Apple Music account.
omg #jamiroquai is my most listened to artist I don’t believe it hehe
Younger goth-adjacent me is absolutely horrified at how my children have warped my #applereplay and #SpotifyWrapped results. I don't want to talk about it (nor Bruno for that matter either).
Additionally hilarious: that “All Comes Crashing” is marked as my year’s anthem, and that I was in the top 100 listeners of Evalyn. #AppleReplay #Music
One aspect of my #AppleReplay—top five artists—is seriously distorted by my use of #LofiGirl playlists when reading, tinkering, or going to sleep. It’s amazing to me, although unsurprising, that my top album was the #StationEleven soundtrack. #Music
#applereplay #lofigirl #StationEleven #music