Apple silently pulls its latest zero-day update – what now? - Previously, we said "do it today", but now we're forced back on: "Do not delay; do it as ... #rapidsecurityresponse #vulnerability #applesafari #zeroday #apple #ios #osx
#osx #ios #apple #zeroday #applesafari #vulnerability #rapidsecurityresponse
Urgent! Apple fixes critical zero-day hole in iPhones, iPads and Macs - Don't delay, do it today. This is a code-implantation bug in WebKit that attackers alread... #cve-2023-37450 #uncategorized #vulnerability #applesafari #zeroday #webkit #apple #0day #ios #osx
#osx #ios #0day #apple #webkit #zeroday #applesafari #vulnerability #uncategorized #cve
#Safari: So nutzen Sie künftig Web-Apps unter #macOS14 | Mac & i #SafariBrowser #Apple #AppleSafari
#applesafari #apple #safaribrowser #macos14 #safari
Anyone else notice that large Google Sheets have become unbearably slow in Safari these days? I have a feeling Google is intentionally kneecapping non-Chrome browsers.
Apple issues emergency patches for spyware-style 0-day exploits – update now! - A bug to hack your browser, then a bug to pwn the kernel... reported from the wild by Amn... #amnestyinternational #vulnerability #applesafari #exploit #zeroday #iphone #apple #0day #ios #mac
#mac #ios #0day #apple #iphone #zeroday #exploit #applesafari #vulnerability #amnestyinternational
Od kilku miesięcy używam #1Password do zarządzania hasłami.
Postanowiłem jednak wrócić do #iCloudKeyChain bo i tak nie używam żadnych funkcji dodatkowych.
Tak samo nie używam żadnych innych urządzeń poza #Apple i żadnych innych przeglądarek poza #AppleSafari.
To jest początek mojej rezygnacji z niepotrzebnych subskrypcji, dlatego pod nowym hashtagiem zachęcam do podzielenia się swoimi historiami.
#1password #icloudkeychain #Apple #applesafari #anulujsubskrypcje
This #browser #feature #comparison is quite nice. :tony_happy:
#Vivaldi #VivaldiBrowser #Firefox #MozillaFirefox #Safari #AppleSafari #Chrome #GoogleChrome #Edge #MircrosoftEdge #Opera #OperaBrowser #Brave #BraveBrowser #web
#browser #feature #comparison #vivaldi #vivaldibrowser #firefox #mozillafirefox #safari #applesafari #chrome #googlechrome #edge #mircrosoftedge #opera #operabrowser #brave #bravebrowser #web
Apple fixes zero-day spyware implant bug – patch now! - Everyone update now! Except for those who don't need to! Or who need to but will only get... #vulnerability #ve-2023-23529 #applesafari #zeroday #apple
#apple #zeroday #applesafari #ve #vulnerability
As I posted previously, starting early Nov 24th, I started seeing a blur on all my uploaded pictures. See image. Research and testing all the settings shows it happens only on #iOS, #iPadOS, and #MacOS, and only on #AppleSafari. iPhone and iPad only use #webkit, even imbedding it is apps like #Metatext. Safari on MacOS is also Apple's webkit. Here's the kicker: FireFox on MacOS renders my images properly. If you are not using #Safari, you won't see the blur shown in the image.
Blurring appears to be a bug, and since my Apple devices didn't update, I suspect it is the #mastodon infrastructure. Possibly an update went into the channel, not tested by sysops and admins?
Does any other Mac, iPhone, or iPad users see this?
#ios #ipados #macos #applesafari #webkit #metatext #safari #mastodon
Apple devices get urgent patch for zero-day exploit – update now! - Universal Cross Site Scripting bug means all web browsing is potentially at risk. We explain in pl... #vulnerability #cve-2021-1879 #applesafari #exploit #iphone #webkit #apple #ipad #ios #xss
#xss #ios #ipad #apple #webkit #iphone #exploit #applesafari #cve #vulnerability
Apple’s latest updates are out for iPhones and Macs – get them now! - None of Apple's bugs have nicknames like Microsoft's recent "SIGRed" - but there are nevertheless ... more: #vulnerability #applesafari #exploit #patches #iphone #apple #macos #ios #osx
#osx #ios #macos #apple #iphone #patches #exploit #applesafari #vulnerability
iOS 14, macOS Big Sur, Safari to give us ‘No, thanks!’ option for ad tracking - At WWDC, Apple promised to double down on data protection in its upcoming iOS 14, macOS Big Sur, a... more: #intelligenttrackingprevention #worldwidedevelopersconference #browserfingerprint #operatingsystems #rogueextensions #signinwithapple #passwordreuse #privacyreport #applesafari #adtrackers
#adtrackers #applesafari #privacyreport #passwordreuse #signinwithapple #rogueextensions #operatingsystems #browserfingerprint #worldwidedevelopersconference #intelligenttrackingprevention
Apple Safari Flaws Enable One-Click Webcam Access - The white hat hacker who discovered the vulnerabilities received a $75,000 from Apple's bug-bounty... more: #applevulnerability #vulnerabilities #mobilesecurity #applebugbounty #webcamtakeover #applesafari #ryanpickren #safaribug #webcam #apple #macos #patch #ios
#ios #patch #macos #apple #webcam #safaribug #ryanpickren #applesafari #webcamtakeover #applebugbounty #mobilesecurity #vulnerabilities #applevulnerability
Apple Safari now blocks all third-party cookies by default - Starting in 13.1, advertisers and analytics firms can't track us through browser cookies. Apple sa... more: #browserfingerprints #thirdpartycookies #browserprivacy #onlineprivacy #safaribrowser #applesafari #webbrowsers #cookies #safari #apple
#apple #safari #cookies #webbrowsers #applesafari #safaribrowser #onlineprivacy #browserprivacy #thirdpartycookies #browserfingerprints
Apple iOS 13.4 offers fixes for 30 vulnerabilities - Apple has just announced its latest something for everyone security and feature updates for iOS, i... more: #operatingsystems #securitythreats #vulnerability #securityfixes #applesafari #webbrowsers #ios13.4 #updates #safari #webkit #apple #ios #osx
#osx #ios #apple #webkit #safari #updates #ios13 #webbrowsers #applesafari #securityfixes #vulnerability #securitythreats #operatingsystems
Brave beats other browsers in privacy study - Users looking for a privacy-focused browser might want to consider Brave first, according to a stu... more: #browserprivacy #microsoftedge #googlechrome #applesafari #webbrowsers #microsoft #firefox #mozilla #privacy #google #yandex #chrome #safari #apple #brave #edge
#edge #brave #apple #safari #chrome #yandex #google #privacy #mozilla #firefox #microsoft #webbrowsers #applesafari #googlechrome #microsoftedge #browserprivacy
Apple chops Safari’s TLS certificate validity down to one year - From 1 September 2020, Safari will no longer trust SSL/TLS certificates with more than a year on t... more: #certificateauthorities #securitythreats #ca/browserforum #tlscertificates #cryptography #applesafari #webbrowsers #privacy #ssl/tls #google #safari #apple #https #sha-1 #tls
#tls #sha #https #apple #safari #google #ssl #privacy #webbrowsers #applesafari #cryptography #tlscertificates #ca #securitythreats #certificateauthorities
Mozilla bans Firefox extensions for executing remote code - Mozilla’s policy is unambiguous - add-ons must be self-contained and not load remote code, which o... more: #maliciousextensions #browserextensions #securitythreats #mozillafirefox #microsoftedge #googlechrome #webbrowsers #applesafari #firefox #mozilla #chrome #safari #edge
#edge #safari #chrome #mozilla #firefox #applesafari #webbrowsers #googlechrome #microsoftedge #mozillafirefox #securitythreats #browserextensions #maliciousextensions
Google finds privacy holes in Safari’s ITP anti-tracking system - Apple’s much-vaunted Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) could leave users exposed to a raft of ... more: #intelligenttrackingprevention(itp) #browserprivacy #applesafari #webbrowsers #adtracking #privacy #google #safari #apple
#apple #safari #google #privacy #adtracking #webbrowsers #applesafari #browserprivacy #intelligenttrackingprevention
Google to Nix Chrome Support for Third-Party Cookies by 2022 - Google says it has a two-year timeline for phasing out support for third-party cookies in its Chro... more: #trackingcookies #firefoxbrowser #privacysandbox #chromebrowser #safaribrowser #adverstising #websecurity #applesafari #microsoft #samesite #privacy #cookies #google #https
#https #google #cookies #privacy #samesite #microsoft #applesafari #websecurity #adverstising #safaribrowser #chromebrowser #privacysandbox #firefoxbrowser #trackingcookies