Neuer Blog-Artikel: „Letzten Download in aktuelles Finder-Fenster verschieben“ (Plus-Artikel) -
Zum Abschluss der Woche mal wieder ein wenig #AppleScript, um den Finder von macOS etwas komfortabler zu machen. Und damit allen ein schönes und erholsames Wochenende! Wetter wird noch mal so richtig hochsommerlich.
Creating filters via AppleScript
"My company is mostly macOS, and we're using Google for our email. We just enabled external mail notifications, which is fine on the web or in the iOS app, but it's not showing up in non-Google access. I created a rule that will highlight emails that aren't internal, but I'm trying to figure out if I can use A
#code #computers #itstuff #job #applescript #macos #mail
Does anyone know in #MacOS of a way to use ShortCuts/Automator/AppleScript to launch all the files/aliases in a specific folder?
On the MacPowerUsers' podcast they shared #Shortcut of a handy #AppleScript that runs a specific Moom Snapshot of given windows arranged. It works great, and prior to this I have a folder in my taskbar of aliases of ~dozen programs I like open while coding, after opening that folder I use cmd-A and cmd-O to run them, but is there a way to automate this step?
In dreieinhalb Minuten alle Klassenordner für das neue Schuljahr angelegt und mit allen möglichen Listen gefüllt und darin schonmal alle Infos zu den Kursen eingetragen … #AppleScript sei dank. Falls ihr mal schauen wollt, wie ich’s gemacht hab:
#FediLZ #neuesSchuljahr
#applescript #FediLZ #neuesschuljahr
Use AppleScript, that at least still works, but you need to know the name of the app you wish to activate.
tell application "Microsoft Excel" to activate
We also use #AppleScript to get and set Finder comments, for files and folders as Apple until this day is unable or just unwilling to provide an actual API for that. Such a joke.
Yet another massive example on how to extend the power of #NeoFinder with #AppleScript!
This time, we provide a search and replace tool for metadata fields.
For example when your CEO spontaneously decides to change the company name from "Amazing Inc." to the boring (sic!) but new name "Xyz Inc.", and you must replace the Copyright text in all photos immediately.
This can't simply be done by just overwriting that field in all files with the XMP Editor in the Inspector of NeoFinder, as the Copyright string may be very different for each file, like "Copyright by Amazing Inc. 2021" or "© Amazing Inc. All Rights Reserved" or such.
#NeoFinder8 #macOS #Catalog #DigitalAssetManager #Photography #MusicLibrary #VideoTools #PhotoLibrary #Apple #BookLibrary #PhotographySoftware #PhotographyWorkflow #PhotoSoftware #IndieDev #DAM #DiskLibrary #DiskTracker #Software #PostProduction #Archives #Automation
#neofinder #applescript #neofinder8 #macos #catalog #digitalassetmanager #photography #musiclibrary #videotools #photolibrary #Apple #booklibrary #photographysoftware #photographyworkflow #photosoftware #indiedev #dam #disklibrary #disktracker #software #postproduction #archives #automation
Neuer Blog-Artikel: "iMessages mit Raycast versenden" (Plus-Artikel) -
Heute ein Praxisbeispiel für mein #AppleScript vom Dienstag. Dürfte einer der schnellsten Wege sein, eine Nachricht zu verschicken.
Und damit allen ein schönes und erholsames Wochenende, die nächste Woche liegt schon größtenteils im August!
I can’t shake the feeling that every time I actually use #AppleScript, someone at #Apple has to stuff a dollar bill into a barrel sitting on someone else’s desk in Cupertino, and the receiver is snickering and saying something like “that bet sure paid off”
Neuer Blog-Artikel: "Nachrichten per AppleScript versenden" (Plus-Artikel) -
Obwohl die Nachrichten-App auf dem Mac komplett erneuert wurde, um sie an den Funktionsumfang von iOS anzupassen, unterstützt sie weiterhin #AppleScript. D.h., wir können mit ihr automatisch iMessages versenden. Das schauen wir uns heute einmal an.
@thomasfuchs Firefox is a really good browser, I’ve been using it for a looong time. I don’t use it anymore due to the #macOS version’s utter lack of communication with the rest of the OS. No #AppleScript support (anymore), no #ShortcutsApp support. “Here’s our browser, it’s great, why would you use any other app beside it” is not working for me anymore.
#macos #applescript #shortcutsapp
Did we tell you already that #AppleScript #Automation is crazy powerful, and you can do amazing things with it?
So what if you need a #Microsoft #Excel spreadsheet with details about all the catalogs you have in your #NeoFinder LIBRARY?
Just use a powerful AppleScript we wrote for you, and placed in the Power Scripts section of the NeoFinder Users Guide!
You can also learn how to format Excel cells, and how to adjust the width of columns to suite your data.
#NeoFinder8 #macOS #DigitalAssetManager #Photography #MusicLibrary #VideoTools #PhotoLibrary #AudioProducer #MusicStudio #Apple #PhotographyWorkflow #PhotoSoftware #IndieDev #DiskLibrary #Software #PostProduction #Archives
#applescript #automation #microsoft #excel #neofinder #neofinder8 #macos #digitalassetmanager #photography #musiclibrary #videotools #photolibrary #audioproducer #musicstudio #Apple #photographyworkflow #photosoftware #indiedev #disklibrary #software #postproduction #archives
This is a nice #firefox tip. By enabling VoiceOver you can use some #AppleScript to read the current URL from the browser. Without enabling it doesn’t work. Now I can do some fine scripting to automate some stuff.
In #NeoFinder8, you can now use #AppleScript to read and write (!) EXIF textual fields like artist, copyright, comment, and description.
You can also use the integrated EXIF Editor in NeoFinder, but AppleScript is great for #Automation.
#macOS #Catalog #DigitalAssetManager #Photography #MusicLibrary #VideoTools #PhotoLibrary #AudioProducer #MusicStudio #Apple #BookLibrary #PhotographySoftware #PhotographyWorkflow #IndieDev #DAM #Software #Archives
#neofinder8 #applescript #automation #macos #catalog #digitalassetmanager #photography #musiclibrary #videotools #photolibrary #audioproducer #musicstudio #Apple #booklibrary #photographysoftware #photographyworkflow #indiedev #dam #software #archives
We have poured a lot of love into the #AppleScript #Automation support in #NeoFinder8.
You can now access additional catalog properties, such as the volume name, media type, file system type, free space, and more.
#macOS #Catalog #DigitalAssetManager #Photography #MusicLibrary #VideoTools #PhotoLibrary #AudioProducer #MusicStudio #Apple #BookLibrary #PhotographySoftware #PhotographyWorkflow #Photosoftware #IndieDev #DAM #DiskLibrary #Software #PostProduction #Archives
#applescript #automation #neofinder8 #macos #catalog #digitalassetmanager #photography #musiclibrary #videotools #photolibrary #audioproducer #musicstudio #Apple #booklibrary #photographysoftware #photographyworkflow #photosoftware #indiedev #dam #disklibrary #software #postproduction #archives
The beauty of the paperless office is that you can automate workflows. But maybe you are not familiar with all the capabilities of automation in DEVONthink or don’t know when which one makes sense? Here are the main options and when it’s best to use each. #devonthink #pkm #paperless #automation #applescript #workflow #productivity #tuesdaytip
#devonthink #pkm #paperless #automation #applescript #workflow #productivity #tuesdaytip
A client recently told us that she had received a couple of thousand files from a contractor, and each of these files contained a lot of XMP keywords. That was OK, but someone had placed hundreds of these keywords in an hierarchical group named "More Keywords", so the result was confusing, and differed from the regular keywords normally used
The client asked us if there was a way to get rid of these with #NeoFinder8. We first thought that this would be a lot of manual labor. But no, this can be done with AppleScript!
So we wrote an #AppleScript to do this job!
#Automation #Apple #macOS #Catalog #DigitalAssetManager #Photography #Photographer #Lightroom #PhotographySoftware #PhotographyWorkflow #PhotoSoftware #IndieDev #Software #Archive
#neofinder8 #applescript #automation #Apple #macos #catalog #digitalassetmanager #photography #photographer #lightroom #photographysoftware #photographyworkflow #photosoftware #indiedev #software #archive
#AppleScript is such a crazy powerful #Automation technology in #macOS, and with the amazing AppleScript support in #NeoFinder, you can do things we never imagined being possible!
A new example shows you how to set the EXIF Capture Date from the file name of converted MiniDV video files.
#FilmMaking #DigitalAssetManager #Catalog #VideoTools #VideoLibrary #VideoProducer #Canon #videoworkflow #macdev #DAM #DiskLibrary #AfterEffects #software #archives #movie #VideoProduction #postprocessing #PostProduction #Cinematography
#applescript #automation #macos #neofinder #filmmaking #digitalassetmanager #catalog #videotools #videolibrary #videoproducer #canon #videoworkflow #macdev #dam #disklibrary #aftereffects #software #archives #movie #videoproduction #postprocessing #postproduction #Cinematography
Ich bin ja regelmäßig an #AppleScript gescheitert, weil ich nirgendwo eine vernünftige Einführung finden konnte.
#ChatGPT kann das aber - und versteht sogar, was ich tun möchte. So wird das (endlich) benutzbar.
Neuer Blog-Artikel: "E-Mail-Anhänge in Obsidian speichern" (Plus-Artikel) -
E-Mail-Anhänge der in Apple Mail ausgewählten Mails per #AppleScript in einem bestimmten #Obsidian-Verzeichnis speichern.
Ich habe diesen Plus-Artikel von morgen auf heute vorgezogen, weil ich morgen gerne etwas zur WWDC-Keynote (die ist heute Abend ab 19 Uhr) schreiben möchte. Damit allen einen sonnigen Start in die KW 23!