Hey iOS users. I recommend comparing your subscriptions you have through Apple with the sites of the places you have subscriptions with. Sometimes they are 30% cheaper if you pay the company directly.
#ios #appletax #iossubscriptions #iostips
How to use Solana Saga to buy and sell crypto - The first mobile by a blockchain company, the Solana Saga was lau... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/how-to-use-solana-saga-buy-sell-crypto #decentralizedappstore #web3phone #seedvault #airdrops #appletax #solana #saga #nfts
#nfts #saga #solana #appletax #airdrops #seedvault #web3phone #decentralizedappstore
The real reason I use Apple Remote Desktop with the laptop on my desk is that Harvey kitty walked on the keyboard and did 15 pounds of damage (6.8kg, approx. 750 genius bars) including putting a short in the cable for the screen
Apple Tax: Crypto Wallet MetaMask Ready to Dump Apple Ecosystem - Earlier on Thursday, Coinbase Wallet noted that it will be ending the support for ... - https://coingape.com/apple-tax-crypto-wallet-metamask-ready-to-dump-apple-ecosystem/ #coinbasewallet #altcoinnews #appletax #metamask #apple #news
#news #apple #metamask #appletax #altcoinnews #coinbasewallet
Already hearing/seeing a number of issues with people upgrading to macOS Ventura, all having to do with running open source. :/
Case in point, @adafruit blog post about problem flashing microcontrollers:
#hardware #OpenSource #appletax #macos
New Apple rules double down on 30% NFT 'tax' and geo-limits exchanges
#nonfungibletokens #cryptoexchanges #in-apppurchases #cryptowallets #commission #appstore #appletax #apprules #nftsales #Apple #nfts #30%
#NonfungibleTokens #cryptoexchanges #in #cryptowallets #commission #AppStore #appletax #apprules #NFTsales #Apple #NFTs