A fantastic article and resource:
‘Multistate life tables using Stata’ Jerônimo Oliveira Muniz
The Stata Journal, September 2020
#Demography #PopMastodon
#demography #popmastodon #applieddemogtoolbox
A fantastic resource and article, both to calculate multi-state life table functions, and also for learning about them (incl article sections 2 and 3):
#Demography #PopMastodon
#demography #popmastodon #applieddemogtoolbox
A fantastic resource and article, both to calculate multi-state life table functions, and also for learning about them (incl article sections 2 and 3 - such great writing and info):
#Demography #PopMastodon
#demography #popmastodon #applieddemogtoolbox
Also updated links and info, including for
Germán Rodríguez' Demographic Methods Course Materials
and Shyrock and Siegel's Methods and Materials of Demography https://applieddemogtoolbox.github.io/#MethodsAndMaterials
#Demography #PopMastodon
#demography #popmastodon #applieddemogtoolbox
Added some neat and useful links to the Applied Demography Toolbox list:
The US Census Bureau's Proximate Determinants of Fertility Estimation Tool https://applieddemogtoolbox.github.io/#fertdet
Damien Forthomme's ipfn
And the US Census Bureau's Global Population Mapping and Spatial Analysis Products https://applieddemogtoolbox.github.io/#CensusGlobalPop
#Demography #PopMastodon
#demography #popmastodon #applieddemogtoolbox
Just following the setup I made last year with UN WPP data input (https://shiny.demog.berkeley.edu/eddieh/CCRUnc_UNWPP2022/), I added the option to "sample from listed periods" to the cohort-change ratio-based stochastic county pop proj setup: https://shiny.demog.berkeley.edu/eddieh/CCRUnc/
#Demography #PopMastodon
#demography #popmastodon #applieddemogtoolbox
A new/recent Python package for managing biased data samples.
'Probabilistic population forecasting: Short to very long-term' (a neat recently-published open-access article by Raftery and Ševčíková)
#Demography #PopMastodon
#demography #popmastodon #applieddemogtoolbox