Hello there. So, I never thought I'd ever be using Mastodon for this and its a longshot but I'm looking for a paid job. I'm a senior in College and I'm going to be graduating with a degree in business management in May and I want to be ready. For my skills, I'm well-versed in Microsoft products, particularly Microsoft Excel and Microsoft word though Excel is my prefered application considering I wish to work with spreadsheets. Yes, I'm totally blind but that shouldn't be an issue because of #screenreaders and #ADA #accommodations and #RemoteWork. So, if anyone is looking for a dedicated person who genuinely enjoys helping others and working with functions from #statistics to #financial functions using #appliedMath, I am willing to work for you so help me #GetFediHired. Resume will be sent apon request through DM's. Thank you, and boosts are absolutely encouraged.
#screenreaders #ada #accommodations #remotework #statistics #financial #appliedmath #getfedihired
https://lightprotocol.com is solana's #zk #zeroknowledge protocol. it allows for arbitrary proofs, which means it can be used for anything from #poker to #messaging, to #bank loans, to elections. this ZK #proof is so advanced that it costs the exact same as the same transaction unencrypted. #linux #system #crypto #cryptography #appliedmath
#zk #zeroknowledge #poker #messaging #bank #proof #linux #system #crypto #cryptography #appliedmath
Attempt at networking post!
Hi! I would love to meet and talk to more people in #dataScience #statistics #stats #pydata #dataViz etc etc
I have a Phd in #appliedMath and I work in #productAnalytics
I attend my local American Statistical Assoc meetings sometimes, but they are rare.
I also helped start an R User Group once, (but haven't used R in more than 10 years), and ran a Big Data reading group in #pdx
Please boost 😀
#datascience #statistics #stats #pydata #dataviz #appliedmath #productanalytics #pdx
A Breiman talk about his discovery of the randomforest (CART). Great stuff.
#datascience #statistics #machinelearning #appliedmath #computerscience
#datascience #statistics #machinelearning #appliedmath #computerscience
My favorite part of Linear Algebra so far is how at the end of every section they say something like "now, this is not an efficient technique for solving the system but..."
#linearalgebra #appliedmath #math
A very nice tutorial/introduction to RNNs
#rnn #vanishinggradients #compsci #statistics #appliedmath #computerscience #datascience
#rnn #vanishinggradients #compsci #statistics #appliedmath #computerscience #datascience
applied #math;
my mother use to say, "the early bird gets the worm"
you gotta love marketing departments that don't hire at least one math guy.
#appliedMath #nurdsRule #statistics
#math #appliedmath #nurdsrule #statistics
According to some #journalism training materials I am reading, readers like to see social media posts by editors and reporters that provide insight into what they are doing. Do you have any questions about what I am doing around the office at Solar Today or Popular Mechanics? #physics #appliedmath #solar #renewableenergy
#journalism #physics #appliedmath #solar #renewableenergy
A Leo Brieman talk about random forests (he's the inventor of the algorithm). Glad to see it got captured and posted to YouTube.
#appliedmath #statistics #machinelearning #datascience
Always thought this was a cool application of #machinelearning; assistive technologies for drawing and drafting.
#compsci #computerscience #datascience #art #appliedmath #statistics
#machinelearning #compsci #computerscience #datascience #art #appliedmath #statistics
I've used Andrew Ng's #machinelearning lectures to train several generations of interns over the years. Still one of the most consumable and intuitive introductions to the field.
#statistics #appliedmath #compsci #computerscience #datascience
#machinelearning #statistics #appliedmath #compsci #computerscience #datascience
#informationtheory #appliedmath #statistics #computerscience #computerengineering
One of the better #openmp resources around.
#hpc #supercomputing #compsci #computerscience #programming #parallelcomputing #math #appliedmath #datascience #machinelearning
#openmp #hpc #supercomputing #compsci #computerscience #programming #parallelcomputing #math #appliedmath #datascience #machinelearning
Always enjoyed my experiences using #blaze. It's a solid matrix library. Presentation is at the first link. Second link is to the source.
#cplusplus #programming #appliedmath #math #statistics #datascience #machinelearning #compsci #computerscience #linearalgebra
#blaze #cplusplus #programming #appliedmath #math #statistics #datascience #machinelearning #compsci #computerscience #linearalgebra
A bit dated, but this interview with Ark Investments gets into some nice details of the wafer-scale machine developed by Cerebras.
The CS-1 featured 400K specialized cores with 18 gigs of memory.
#hpc #supercomputing #machinelearning #statistics #appliedmath #compsci #computerscience #computerengineering
#hpc #supercomputing #machinelearning #statistics #appliedmath #compsci #computerscience #computerengineering
A great lecture series by Jeff Bilmes about submodular functions.
Part 1 : https://youtu.be/6ThMzlHdKsI
Part 2 : https://youtu.be/P5REi-2XSaU
Part 3 : https://youtu.be/zZm2dmXTo8Y
#appliedmath #computerscience #compsci #math
Great intuitive tutorial about particle filters.
#compsci #statistics #appliedmath #computerscience #datascience #machinelearning
#compsci #statistics #appliedmath #computerscience #datascience #machinelearning
HIRING: Director, Scientific Data Division / Berkeley, CA https://ai-jobs.net/J38514/ #AI #MachineLearning #DataJobs #MLjobs #bigdata #DataScience #AIjobs #AIcareers #hiringnow #Berkeley #CA #appliedmath #Classification #BerkeleyLab #Datamanagement #Engineering #Finance
#Finance #engineering #datamanagement #berkeleylab #classification #appliedmath #ca #berkeley #hiringnow #aicareers #AIjobs #DataScience #bigdata #MLjobs #DataJobs #MachineLearning #AI