There are funded places available for home & international students to start in September 2023 at The Mathematics for Real-World Systems Centre for Doctoral Training (MathSys CDT) at the University of Warwick.
MathSys CDT webpage:
To find out more, the MathSys CDT is participating in the online Postgrad LIVE! fair on 01 & 02 March 2023.
Log on and chat about #postgraduate study in #appliedmaths!
#epidemiology #stem #academia #phd #msc #appliedmaths #postgraduate
RT @WarwickComplex
We'll be online at the Postgrad LIVE! fair on 01 & 02 March. Log on and chat with us about #postgraduate study in #appliedmaths. Funded places available for September 2023. YOU could join the last cohort of rock star mathematicians in our amazing CDT!🤘✨
"How to differentiate parameters under the integral sign — It’s a certain operation. It turns out that’s not taught very much in the universities; they don’t emphasize it." Richard Feynman's integral trick 👉 🔗
#Differentiation #IntegralSign #FeynmanTrick #RichardFeynman #CantorsParadise #Calculus #Engineering #AppliedMaths #Mathematics #Analysis #IntegralCalculus #IntegralTrick #Parameters #AdvancedCalculus
#advancedcalculus #parameters #integraltrick #integralcalculus #analysis #mathematics #appliedmaths #engineering #calculus #cantorsparadise #richardfeynman #feynmantrick #integralsign #differentiation
The question of this account's content was also a question when it came to choose a server. I chose because, like music, maths seem to have always been here regardless of my current interests.
Many years ago, when I started my studies, I wanted to go into theoretical maths. I then branched to engineering, but with a strong interest in applied maths. As years went by, applications have included structures, vibrations, acoustics, and now heat transfer.