The insurgency is literally escalating a #MASSEXTINCTIONEVENT as #leadership turns a blind eye and #scapegoats #SingleMothers as the cause. Anyone who even attempts to justify such ignorance, under #appocolyptic threats is #evil
#pandorasbox #pandora @icij #ap
#massextinctionevent #leadership #Scapegoats #singlemothers #appocolyptic #evil #pandorasbox #pandora #ap
Social engineering by way of first and foremost #divestment is what destroys cities, towns, neighborhoods. Single moms don't have that #power but #weird that any adult would scapegoat the most vulberable during #appocolyptic #threat #levels. #quidproquo #corruption #propaganda
#divestment #power #weird #appocolyptic #threat #levels #quidproquo #corruption #propaganda #pandora