#Proxmox really needs a new notification backend. Only supporting #Email is not appropriate.
I think #Apprise is the best option as it supports so many different channels but they seem to not want external solutions. 🤨
🇫🇷 Découvrez l'excellente librairie #Apprise et comment je l'ai intégrée à #BorgWarehouse !
- https://r4ven.fr/blog/apprise-opensource-notification-library/
🇬🇧 Discover the excellent #Apprise library and how I integrated it to #Borgwarehouse !
- https://r4ven.fr/en/blog/apprise-opensource-notification-library/
I’ve been using #sensu with #ansible for a very long time now. But dealing with #notifications can get tricky if you want to be a bit more dynamic on what / when to notify or have different needs for different clients / services. So I’m trying to solve this with #n8n and #apprise. Let’s see how it goes. #devops
#sensu #ansible #notifications #n8n #apprise #devops
Spent a few minutes just trying out #Apprise (https://github.com/caronc/apprise) and am walking away super impressed. Send a quick notification to a ton of popular services with a cli and 3-4 flags? Super cool stuff.
Spent a few minutes just trying out #Apprise (https://github.com/caronc/apprise) and am walking away super impressed. Send a quick notification to a ton of popular services with a cli and 3-4 flags? Super cool stuff.
#apprise v1.20 has been released with #Mastodon support!
#apprise (#selfhosted notification platform written in #python) is about to gain #Mastodon support!
#Mastodon #Python #selfhosted #apprise