Because the world tries to blend chaos and order none of us make it to adulthood without some tricky spots in how we interact with the world
#ApproachToLife #LivingWhole #BeingHuman #HealingPathTruths
#ReclamationCoaching #TraumaRecoveryCoaching #TraumaRecovery
#approachtolife #livingwhole #beinghuman #healingpathtruths #reclamationcoaching #traumarecoverycoaching #traumarecovery
“My goal for today is to make it to tomorrow.
My goal for this week is to make it to next week.
My goal for this month is to make it to the end of the year.
Beyond that, I don't know what the goal is.
~ Kelli Murbach”
#goals #ApproachToLife #LivingWhole #BeingHuman #HealingPathTruths #TraumaHealing #RecoveryPath #ComplexTraumaHealing
#goals #approachtolife #livingwhole #beinghuman #healingpathtruths #traumahealing #recoverypath #complextraumahealing
Tonight’s Life Support Moment
Remembering that the life I want includes not yaking in two hours due to acid reflux and choosing to put the ice cream away uneaten.
#LifeSupport #LifeSupportParadigm #ReframingSelfCare #SelfCare #ApproachToLife #LivingWhole #BeingHuman #HealingPathTruths #TraumaHealing #RecoveryPath#ComplexTraumaHealing
#lifesupport #lifesupportparadigm #reframingselfcare #selfcare #approachtolife #livingwhole #beinghuman #healingpathtruths #traumahealing #recoverypath
In trying to round out the concept of life support (doing the things tyou need to do to have the life you want) and understand how that works in my life from a holistic perspective, I created the Life Support Paradigm
#LifeSupport #LifeSupportParadigm #ReframingSelfCare #SelfCare #ApproachToLife #LivingWhole #BeingHuman #HealingPathTruths #TraumaHealing #ComplexTraumaHealing #RecoveryPath
#lifesupport #lifesupportparadigm #reframingselfcare #selfcare #approachtolife #livingwhole #beinghuman #healingpathtruths #traumahealing #complextraumahealing #recoverypath
"I’m trying to live my life as if I’m walking a path and not fighting a war. The challenges are hills, rocks, and rivers. This perspective is what I need if I want to live a life free of over-armoring and connected to the world." ~Kelli Murbach
#approachtolife #livewhole #traumahealing #recoverypath #beinghuman