Welcome to #Appropedia, the sustainability wiki!
#upcycle #reuse #openhardware #appropedia
Trying to read up on libraries for OpenSCAD and found a wonderful rabbithole... :D
@BillySmith @derek @hydroponictrash Have you tried #appropedia , https://www.appropedia.org/Welcome_to_Appropedia ? ;)
@lex @MalthusJohn @valkyrie @phneutral
7. If you want to get into details, grant incentives for universities, spinoffs, startups to work on open projects and share them publicly, not only on some esoteric sub-page. https://crastina.se/ is doing some of this work, encouraging 3% of every grant to be spent on communication.
But seriously, it's not only startups that are innovative. We could get A LOT from universities contributing to #appropedia , #wikipedia , #OpenStreetMap and similar.
#openstreetmap #wikipedia #appropedia
@MalthusJohn @lex those projects already exist, they're just not widespread!
https://www.appropedia.org/Recyclebot is an open source project from #appropedia , which also has a lot more materials on sustainability and appropriate technology.
fridge0, an off grid fridge. Not for everybody, of course, but good example of real innovation and research that MAKE sense https://fridge0.branchable.com/ #refrigeration #openHw #appropedia #appropriateTech #offTheGrid #resilience
#refrigeration #openhw #appropedia #appropriatetech #offthegrid #resilience
@requiem I've been thinking about writing a Solarpunk story like that - "Want to know more about what characters are doing? here!"
In the meantime, Joshua Pearce made an illustrated novel like that to promote sustainability and open source solar panels: https://aditiandslick.tumblr.com/
#writing #diy #appropedia #solarpunk
@martijnreintjes did you know that @emiliovelis , the director of Appropedia is here on Mastodon?
We can make it a hashtag, #appropedia !
One of the biggest contributors, professor Joshua Pearce, wrote an illustrated #solarpunk story for kids: https://aditiandslick.tumblr.com/ and co-wrote https://www.appropedia.org/To_Catch_the_Sun book!
@notspookypip @crusom @SolarpunkPrompts I see a lot of Solarpunk in the Global South, so if you'd like to see any examples from any specific region, let me know!
@emiliovelis might be a great contact in #appropedia !
@notspookypip @crusom theres a lot! I used to put a lot of Solarpunk Journalism under #solarpunkreporting, #appropedia has some project descriptions from real life cases, https://globalinnovationgathering.org has Global South Hackers, careables.org projects for the disabled, https://communitere.org has global disaster relief projects, our @SolarpunkPrompts is for fiction writers, but contains real examples!
#appropedia #solarpunkreporting
@LightHiker @ginevra I am actually the guy who is all about showing the existing solutions, especially from the Global South! At some point I created #solarpunkReporting to help inspire people with real ideas.
There are organizations like Global Innovation Gathering, networking hackers and activists from the Global South and helping them build sth.
There is #appropedia and a lot of similar projects.
We just dont hear about them in the mainstream.
#appropedia #solarpunkreporting
@MistyPop to jest chyba nasza największa różnica w postrzeganiu tak Mastodona, jak i Solarpunka: ja sam widzę je jako ruchy, platformy, które mogę współtworzyć, ciągnąć w którąś stronę, nie tylko stać z boku i zauważać rzeczy na ich temat.
Mamy tu całkiem niezłą społeczność #solarpunk ową, która może powiedzieć Ci znacznie więcej niż kilka książek o których wspomniałeś w swojej recenzji - pokazać też aktywistów, praktyków, jak twórcy #appropedia i podobnych ruchów DIY :)
@JulianOliver @tomasino @SolarpunkPrompts the point is to write about real problems and solutions: refugee camps, #appropedia advocating tech that is just enough, #wikipedia ns saving the dying knowledge, militaries focusing on climate disaster help, Global South communities creating their own, local solutions. Lots of partial, dirty, but working ways forward.
Finding the beauty and dramatism in them.
Check a few episodes and share what you think
@wordswithnima https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/712597-solarpunk has quite a comprehensive list!
In addition to Sarena's work, you can also check out https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56246030-rebuilding-tomorrow and https://www.appropedia.org/To_Catch_the_Sun - the latter on Creative Commons, created by #solarpunk engineers and practitioners from #appropedia .
Professor Joshua Pearce who took part in that project also made an illustrated novel on Tumblr: https://aditiandslick.tumblr.com/
@emiliovelis good to see you here!
Have you seen our #solarpunk #podcast ? In https://podcast.tomasino.org/@SolarpunkPrompts/episodes/the-electronics-graveyard episode we're talking about #appropedia and how it can be used to write about creative use of technology in fiction!
#appropedia #podcast #solarpunk
@alyaza As the person who has been the #1 contributor on the Appropedia, I just want to point out that help is welcome, including anyone with the time/ability to handle the use of archival services (the ultimate goal of the appropedia being that it can be shown to wikipedia to prove that we exist and hopefully get ourselves back up there). #appropedia #solarpunk
Hey if anyone wants to help out over at the Appropedia - http://www.appropedia.org/Solarpunk - that'd be awesome. Particularly if someone has words and thoughts about specifically solarpunk art and music, that'd be great. If we can create an awesome, thoughtful, and well-referenced wiki we might be able to use it to convince wikipedia that 1) we exist and deserve to be there again, and 2) could just port it over there. Also any solarpunk art that is Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike would be fantastic! The nice thing about this project is how you can leisurely help out from the comfort of your chair, when you have time. And if you don't feel like getting an account there, you can just send it to me and I'll try my best to work it in somehow. #solarpunk #appropedia #art #music
#solarpunk #appropedia #art #music