#approve : to show to be real or true
- French: approuve
- German: billigen
- Portuguese: aprovar
- Spanish: aprueba
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Whoever #still #uses #facebook(#Meta), I #implore you to #Delete #Your #Facebook #Account #Immediately! It is turning into a #misinformation/#disinformation #and #pedophilia #socialmediasite very quickly. It is not safe, anymore. If you are a #diehard #MarkZuckerberg #fan, #shame #on #you! If you are still on the site, that means you #approve of what #Mark #Zuckerberg #and #his #cronies #are #doing. Oh, they also #support #communism! #FacebookIsOverParty #FacebookSucks #ZuckerbergIsAnIdiot
#still #uses #facebook #meta #implore #delete #your #account #immediately #misinformation #and #pedophilia #socialmediasite #diehard #markzuckerberg #fan #shame #on #you #approve #mark #Zuckerberg #his #cronies #are #doing #support #communism #facebookisoverparty #facebooksucks #zuckerbergisanidiot
Whoever #still #uses #facebook(#Meta), I #implore you to #Delete #Your #Facebook #Account #Immediately! It is turning into a #misinformation/#disinformation #and #pedophilia #socialmediasite very quickly. It is not safe, anymore. If you are a #diehard #MarkZuckerberg #fan, #shame #on #you! If you are still on the site, that means you #approve of what #Mark #Zuckerberg #and #his #cronies #are #doing. Oh, they also #support #communism! #FacebookIsOverParty #FacebookSucks #ZuckerbergIsAnIdiot
#still #uses #facebook #meta #implore #delete #your #account #immediately #misinformation #and #pedophilia #socialmediasite #diehard #markzuckerberg #fan #shame #on #you #approve #mark #zuckerberg #his #cronies #are #doing #support #communism #facebookisoverparty #facebooksucks #zuckerbergisanidiot
@mekkaokereke my old man said to me as a six year old, as he made a cup of tea and a sandwich for a very drunk #Aboriginal man in the 1960s, "the #behaviour you #walk #past is the behaviour you #approve".
The old man had come to the #parsonage after someone suggested it. He stayed for a week and got #sober then he was taken back to #country to get away from the #grog which was #killing him.
#aboriginal #behaviour #walk #past #approve #parsonage #sober #country #grog #killing
#One #type of #vaccination #which #TuckerCarlson #might #approve #of.
#Fox #would #have #no #trouble #finding #lots of #extras if it ever #produces a #series #called The #Walking #Brain_Dead.
#one #type #vaccination #which #tuckercarlson #might #approve #of #fox #would #have #No #Trouble #Finding #lots #extras #produces #series #called #walking #BRAIN_DEAD
In Texas of course! I suspect these same #parents don't think a thing about sending their #children to #church to be #brainwashed with #religious #bigotry
Students want new books. Thanks to restrictions, #librarians #can’t #buy them.
In one #Texas #school #district, school librarians have ordered 6,000 fewer books this year than the year before, because under a new rule #parents must have 30 #days to #review the #titles before the school board votes to #approve them.
#parents #children #church #brainwashed #religious #bigotry #librarians #can #buy #texas #school #district #days #review #titles #approve
You can via
[server url]/admin/trends/tags?status=pending_review
I get #email #notifications all the time about #hashtags .
(I set them to "not auto #approve" I think :ablobcatbongokeyboard: )
#email #notifications #hashtags #approve
The House voted to #approve a #measure ending a #measure workers’ labor dispute ahead of a possible #strike while also planning to take up a proposal to impose paid sick leave, a step demanded by some lawmakers.
#approve #measure #strike #railroads
#approve : to show to be real or true
- French: approuve
- German: billigen
- Portuguese: aprovar
- Spanish: aprueba
Join our new Discord Server for language learners @ https://wordofthehour.org/discord
OK tooters, I have a silly question: how do I approve followers on the #mastodon app? I don't use a desktop, I only have the #app on my #android. I can see that a few people have requested to follow me, but how do I #approve them? #newbie #introduction #pleasehelp #thankyou!
#mastodon #app #android #approve #newbie #introduction #pleasehelp #thankyou
"You get vaccines in the hope that the promises of the pharmaceutical drug peddlers are true, that you will not get those diseases if you take their toxic vaccines, which they admit and the Supreme Court has affirmed, are “unavoidably unsafe,” because all vaccines have dangerous side effects and risks – this is not even a truth that is in dispute."
#health #impact #news #fda #cdc #ignore #law #approve #covid #vaccine #booster #zero #test #human
#human #test #Zero #booster #vaccine #COVID #approve #law #Ignore #cdc #FDA #news #impact #health
EU poised to approve Poland Covid recovery fund despite judicial concern | Poland | The Guardian #poised #approve #poland #covid @istsupsan #recovery #fund #despite #judicial #concern #guardian #1giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZ3VhcmRpYW4uY29tL3dvcmxkLzIwMjIvanVuLzAxL2V1LXBvaXNlZC10by1hcHByb3ZlLXBvbGFuZC1jb3ZpZC1yZWNvdmVyeS1mdW5kLWRlc3BpdGUtanVkaWNpYWwtY29uY2Vybg==
#1giugno #guardian #concern #judicial #despite #fund #recovery #COVID #poland #approve #poised
No, the #FDA did not "#approve" the #Pfizer jab
🍪 is watching "Girlboss" a few meters from me and, damn, that show has a good soundtrack.
Le Tigre, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, ...