Wrote some automation today to take data from sheets and update the next occurrence of a meeting with the agenda and auto invite & notify presenters.
It's not terribly complicated but it's always good when I get to write code.
Wrote some automation today to take data from sheets and update the next occurrence of a meeting with the agenda and auto invite & notify presenters.
It's not terribly complicated but it's always good when I get to write code.
#Javascript é fácil, mas lidar com Google App Script para trabalhar com planilha, confesso que está sendo um saco. #GAS #appscript
I'm new to #Google #Appscript , but I've seen that it's #Javascript making calls to Google functions. I'm going to dive into it out of work necessity, and if anyone here has experience and wants exchange ideas, I'm available. #noob
#google #appscript #javascript #noob
Não programava muitos anos e agora, está sendo desafiador reaprender #javascript para desenvolver #appscript para o #GoogleSuíte em tempo recorde.
#javascript #appscript #googlesuite
I planned to do the #AdventOfCode with #Google #AppSheet, but I have not even finished day one yet. And it's all boilerplate and the logic will be in #AppScript anyways. Shall I just ditch it or continue? Halp
#adventofcode #google #AppSheet #appscript
I joined a few weeks ago but haven't done my #introduction.
I work as a #crypto #operations manager for a #primebroker.
My interests include grinding through data using #python, #google #appscript, and #awk, starting the occasional painting, and building #synths from parts. I'm too stupid to ever leave #nyc.
Thanks @nova for hosting me on hachyderm and @molly0xfff for leading me to it.
#introduction #crypto #operations #primebroker #python #google #appscript #awk #synths #nyc