Ok :P #AskMeAbout
-- #FastSaga #FastAndFurious
— weird use cases with google #appsscript
— getting into #ttrpg or #boardgames
#askmeabout #fastsaga #fastandfurious #appsscript #ttrpg #boardgames
⭕️ FormEasy, Formularios para tu web estatica!.
#formeasy #appsscript #formularios #web #codigoabierto
Animation of a year of Global Cloud Cover #code #software #video #animation #appsscript #drive #earth #nasa #xplanet https://ithoughthecamewithyou.com/post/animation-of-a-year-of-global-cloud-cover?utm_source=botsin.space&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=tootone
#code #software #video #animation #appsscript #drive #earth #nasa #xplanet
Control LIFX WiFi light bulbs from Google Apps Script #software #appsscript #drive #philips https://ithoughthecamewithyou.com/post/control-lifx-wifi-light-bulbs-from-google-apps-script?utm_source=botsin.space&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=tootone
#software #appsscript #drive #philips
Animation of a year of Global Cloud Cover #code #software #video #animation #appsscript #drive #earth #nasa #xplanet https://ithoughthecamewithyou.com/post/animation-of-a-year-of-global-cloud-cover?utm_source=botsin.space&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=tootone
#code #software #video #animation #appsscript #drive #earth #nasa #xplanet
Email Alerts for new Referers in Google Analytics using Apps Script #code #googleanalytics #appsscript #gas https://ithoughthecamewithyou.com/post/email-alerts-for-new-referers-in-google-analytics-using-apps-script?utm_source=botsin.space&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=tootone
#code #googleanalytics #appsscript #gas
Automate Google PageSpeed Insights and Core Web Vitals Logging with Apps Script #code #google #appsscript #gas #pagespeed https://ithoughthecamewithyou.com/post/automate-google-pagespeed-insights-with-apps-script?utm_source=botsin.space&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=tootone
#code #google #appsscript #gas #pagespeed
Get an email if your site stops being mobile friendly #code #mobile #appsscript #gas https://ithoughthecamewithyou.com/post/get-an-email-if-your-site-stops-being-mobile-friendly?utm_source=botsin.space&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=tootone
#code #mobile #appsscript #gas
3/ Есть список общих трат. У каждой строки такой траты есть дедлайн для удобства. Надоело постоянно контролировать ссылки в формулах и я написал макрос #appsscript Его код на скриншоте. Привязал его к кнопке (в google sheets это называется "рисунок"; можно привязать функцию из gs файла к нему).
Get an email if your site stops being mobile friendly #code #mobile #appsscript #gas https://ithoughthecamewithyou.com/post/get-an-email-if-your-site-stops-being-mobile-friendly?utm_source=botsin.space&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=tootone
#code #mobile #appsscript #gas
Hacked up something pretty today using three of my favorite hammers:
* #GoogleSheets
* #AppsScript
* #GraphViz (via d3-graphviz)
The picture is not that exciting, but the process of getting a nearly real-time chart powered by a spreadsheet was fun.
#googlesheets #appsscript #graphviz
How to backup Google Photos to Google Drive automatically after July 2019 with Apps Script #code #software #photos #appsscript #google #sheets #drive #api https://ithoughthecamewithyou.com/post/how-to-backup-google-photos-to-google-drive-automatically-after-july-2019-with-apps-script?utm_source=botsin.space&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=tootone
#code #software #photos #appsscript #google #sheets #drive #api
How to backup Google Photos to Google Drive automatically after July 2019 with Apps Script #code #software #photos #appsscript #google #sheets #drive #api https://ithoughthecamewithyou.com/post/how-to-backup-google-photos-to-google-drive-automatically-after-july-2019-with-apps-script?utm_source=botsin.space&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=tootone
#code #software #photos #appsscript #google #sheets #drive #api
Finished first pass of my first #appsscript to pull data from thebluealliance.com to #GoogleSheets for #frcRobotics
Sharp edges: caching service is goofy, it takes so long to execute a function from a sheet cell, and really don't like using =query() in sheets.
Now that the initial work is done, the hope is to get the team involved in updating the script for kickoff, and then more engaged on scouting during competition.
#appsscript #GoogleSheets #frcrobotics
Finished first pass of my first #appsscript to pull data from thebluealliance.com to #GoogleSheets for #frcRobotics
Sharp edges: caching service is goofy, it takes so long to execute a function from a sheet cell, and really don't like using =query() in sheets.
Now that the initial work is done, the hope is to get the team involved in updating the script for kickoff, and then more engaged on scouting during competition.
#appsscript #GoogleSheets #frcrobotics
#TIL that you can implement your own #GoogleSheets functions in #AppsScript and then use them as =MyFunction(stuff) in your spreadsheet.
And while I was looking up the citation for this, I also found https://support.google.com/docs/answer/12504534 about naming combinations of built-in functions!
#til #GoogleSheets #appsscript
Working on an #appsscript to make rest calls and store data in a google sheet for a #frcrobotics scouting project. Painful.
1. Examples in official docs were not practical.
How can I read this entire spreadsheet and log each value? Said no one. Ever.
2. I tried to put JSON into the Cache Service, instead of a string. ( My bad ) And it silently failed.
But it takes a special flag to be able to handle HTTP error codes without an exception.
consistent #UX is important
A few weeks ago, I developed an Exchange Gift Generator with Google Forms/Spreadsheets and Apps Script: https://jomartigcal.medium.com/developing-exchange-gift-generator-with-forms-spreadsheets-and-apps-script-95c4b9c1f26d
#appsscript #googlesheets #exchangegift #secretsanta
Using the Todoist API to set a due date on the Alexa integration to-do list (with Apps Script) #code #appsscript #google #drive #todoist #productivity https://ithoughthecamewithyou.com/post/using-the-todoist-api-to-set-a-due-date-on-the-alexa-integration-todo-list-with-apps-script
#code #appsscript #google #drive #todoist #productivity
Would it be hard for Google Forms to provide their output via JSON or something reasonable?
Working with apps script to fully make and process data via them is harder than it should be.