There are 3,682 tigers now in India, up from 2,967 in 2018 — a rise of almost 24% in four years. The revised figures follow detailed analyses of census data collected during the fifth cycle of estimation conducted in 2022. With this, India is now home to approximately 75% of the world’s tiger population.
#Apr #India #popn
Binance Launches Ether-Based Liquid Staking Product WBETH to Rival Liquid Staking Competitors - In an announcement made on April 24, Binance, the cryptocurrency exchange with the... - #cryptocurrency #liquidstaking #binancewbeth #rocketpool #smartchain #altcoins #coinbase #ethereum #binance #trading #wbeth #frax #lido #apr
#apr #lido #frax #wbeth #trading #binance #ethereum #coinbase #altcoins #smartchain #rocketpool #binancewbeth #liquidstaking #cryptocurrency
RT @Preventionrout
🗣️« Il y a une corrélation évidente entre l’augmentation de la #vitesse sur les routes et la gravité des #accidents »
@annelavaud, Dg de #aPR s’est exprimée sur l’annonce de la fin de la perte de points pour les petits excès de vitesse sur @BFMTV📺.
Razor: #Friodur 14
Brush: #Zenith B21
Lather: #AustralianPrivateReserve Raconteur
Aftershave: #HighlandSpringsSoapCo #HSSC Eclipse balm
The Friodur 14, Raconteur, and Eclipse are all treasured items in my den, and I'm addition of being on theme, this is also a fantastic shave in general.
#wetshaving #StraightRazor #ThemeThursday #SOTD #ShaveOfTheDay
#apr #friodur #zenith #australianprivatereserve #highlandspringssoapco #hssc #wetshaving #straightrazor #themethursday #sotd #shaveoftheday
Razor: #Friodur 14
Brush: #Zenith B21
Lather: #AustralianPrivateReserve Raconteur
Aftershave: #HighlandSpringsSoapCo #HSSC Eclipse balm
The Friodur 14, Raconteur, and Eclipse are all treasured items in my den, and I'm addition of being on theme, this is also a fantastic shave in general.
#wetshaving #StraightRazor #ThemeThursday #SOTD #ShaveOfTheDay
#apr #friodur #zenith #australianprivatereserve #highlandspringssoapco #hssc #wetshaving #straightrazor #themethursday #sotd #shaveoftheday
RT @VogueKorea
#협찬 #VogueCover #APR #Jimin
낭만과 열정 사이의 어떤 찬란함, 봄, 지민.
<보그 코리아>의 4월은 방탄소년단의 지민과 함께입니다. 서정적이면서 강렬하고, 수줍고도 과감한 미지의 스타. 그저 분명히 우리를 행복하게 만드는 지민의 순간.
RT @VogueKorea
#협찬 #VogueCover #APR #Jimin
낭만과 열정 사이의 어떤 찬란함, 봄, 지민.
<보그 코리아>의 4월은 방탄소년단의 지민과 함께입니다. 서정적이면서 강렬하고, 수줍고도 과감한 미지의 스타. 그저 분명히 우리를 행복하게 만드는 지민의 순간.
Every Object is Someone
Hadara Bar-Nadav
American Poetry Review (APR)
#apr #VerseThursday #poem #poetry #todayspoem
Presidente Maduro Johana González aún teniendo una Boleta Excarcelación seguira en la Cárcel de Mujeres de Los Teques .;Hoy debía estar con su familia, las Intrucciones dada a la Ministra de Servicios Penitenciarios M. Contreras fue mantenerla secuestrada ..Desde la #APR.
Gli hacker Cinesi di Mustang Panda spiano l’Europa compresa l’Italia utilizzando soggetti ucraini
Il gruppo governativo cinese #Mustang #Panda (noto anche come Bronze President, Earth #Preta, #HoneyMyte e #RedLich) sta utilizzando esche legate all’Ucraina per spiare obiettivi in Europa e nella regione Asia-Pacifico (#APR).
Lo riferisce il #BlackBerry Research and #Intelligence Team, che ha analizzato un file RAR chiamato “Political guidance for a new EU #approach to #Russia[.]rar”. Alcuni dei paesi target includono Vietnam, India, Pakistan, Kenya, Turchia, Italia e Brasile.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#infosecurity #privacy #CyberSecurityNews #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybercrime #cybersecurity #hacking #dataprotection #ethicalhacking #informationsecurity #redhotcyber #russia #approach #intelligence #blackberry #apr #RedLich #HoneyMyte #preta #panda #mustang
Le Raconteur Éclipsé
Razor: Koraat Sparschweinchen
Brush: Zenith B21
Lather: Australian Private Reserve Raconteur
Aftershave: Highland Springs Soap Co & Australian Private Reserve Eclipse balm
In memory of Dan from APR, I'm shaving with Raconteur and Eclipse. What always was a possibility seems now certain. There won't be a big comeback, we won't see more of his creations. Rest in peace, you are missed.
#apr #wetshaving #straightrazor #sotd
4 Smart Ways To Effortlessly Grow Your Savings
Increasing your savings can often seem daunting, especially if you’re already stretched thin and don’t have much extra cash to go around.
#savings #save #saving #coins #daos #smartcontracts #nfts #vitalizeone #defi #crypto #hodl #cryptocurrencies #invest #investments #tokens #shares #stocks #bonds #safu #p2e #gamefi #fintech #longterm #shortterm #residualincome #passiveincome #apr #apy #tvl #asymmetric
#asymmetric #tvl #APY #apr #passiveincome #residualincome #shortterm #longterm #fintech #gamefi #P2E #SAFU #bonds #stocks #shares #tokens #investments #invest #cryptocurrencies #hodl #crypto #defi #vitalizeone #NFTS #smartcontracts #DAOs #coins #saving #save #savings
4 Smart Ways To Effortlessly Grow Your Savings
Increasing your savings can often seem daunting, especially if you’re already stretched thin and don’t have much extra cash to go around.
#savings #save #saving #coins #daos #smartcontracts #nfts #vitalizeone #defi #crypto #hodl #cryptocurrencies #invest #investments #tokens #shares #stocks #bonds #safu #p2e #gamefi #fintech #longterm #shortterm #residualincome #passiveincome #apr #apy #tvl #asymmetric
#asymmetric #tvl #APY #apr #passiveincome #residualincome #shortterm #longterm #fintech #gamefi #P2E #SAFU #bonds #stocks #shares #tokens #investments #invest #cryptocurrencies #hodl #crypto #defi #vitalizeone #NFTS #smartcontracts #DAOs #coins #saving #save #savings
RT @korpokritik
Die #Schülerverbindung pennale Burschenschaft Saxonia in #Dresden wurde in den extrem rechten Dachverband „Allgemeiner Pennälerring“ (#APR) aufgenommen. Am Wochenende vom 3. und 4. September fand auch der 30. Pennälertag in #Dresden statt.
#Schülerverbindung #dresden #apr
Il cielo oscuro aprì improvvisamente una luce, A `Cancello del Paradiso` Blog di alieni mistero #apr #cielo #del #improvvisamente #LUCE #oscuro #Paradisoquot #quotCancello #una #24maggio
#24maggio #Una #quotCancello #Paradisoquot #oscuro #luce #improvvisamente #del #cielo #apr
Il cielo oscuro aprì improvvisamente una luce, A `Cancello del Paradiso` Blog di alieni mistero #apr #cielo #del #improvvisamente #LUCE #oscuro #Paradisoquot #quotCancello #una #22maggio
#22Maggio #Una #quotCancello #Paradisoquot #oscuro #luce #improvvisamente #del #cielo #apr
Trump Site Alleging AZ Election Fraud Exposes Voter Data - Slapdash setup of Trump website collecting reports of Maricopa County in-person vote irregularitie... #dontpushthegreenbutton #trump.voterfraud #vulnerabilities #maricopacounty #trumpcampaign #sqlinjection #websecurity #databreach #voterdata #privacy #arizona #phoenix #breach #apr
#apr #breach #phoenix #arizona #privacy #voterdata #databreach #websecurity #sqlinjection #trumpcampaign #maricopacounty #vulnerabilities #trump #dontpushthegreenbutton