Got to spend a couple hours hacking on #apreposterus this morning and it was bliss. It’s been a great project to polish my #golang skills because at its heart it’s just basic operations so I can focus on the details.
I should have a couple hours to hack tomorrow and with any luck I might get #apreposterus far enough to start using it for blogging.
This is a prerequisite for documenting all the other stuff I’ve been working on so I think it’s the highest priority.
Spent more time on #apreposterus today and it’s beginning to generate almost usable output!
A few more hours and I think I’ll be ready to stand-up an alpha server.
Got to spend a couple hours working on the successor to #preposterus: #apreposterus.
It’s basically Preposterus rewritten in #golang to output an #ApresWeb blog.
#preposterus #apreposterus #golang #apresweb