Hey all! For any #frc folks, are there any good resources for vision? I'd like to use the apriltags to align and score, but I don't know much and was hoping to learn more.
To anyone, if you know of resources, papers, or anything else relating to vision, and how that ends up making stuff happen in the code, I'd appreciate anything you could share.
#programming #robot #robotics #code #apriltags #help #firstrobotics
#frc #programming #robot #robotics #code #apriltags #help #firstrobotics
#indoor #navigation #lidar #esp32 #robot #apriltags #lidarbot #m5stack
We had our last #FRC #robotics meeting of the year and everyone is excited for next season that has a January 7th #Kickoff .
Some of the things we've been working on last few weeks are:
* Building a #prototype electrical board
* Getting all of her batteries ready
* Working on code for #Apriltags
* Fabricating bumper brackets
* Hosting some fundraisers
#frc #robotics #Kickoff #prototype #apriltags