New Logo for the upcooming show What the Scanner Saw at #spanien19c towards the end of this year. #whatthescannersaw #workinprogress #3dscan #xr #ar #aprocessofbecoming #remberingtoforget @ Udstillingsstedet Spanien19C
#remberingtoforget #aprocessofbecoming #ar #xr #3dscan #workinprogress #whatthescannersaw #spanien19c
Dirt study for the site specific augmented reality project What The Scanner saw 👁️🗨️ at #spanien19c towards the end of this year. #whatthescannersaw #workinprogress #3dscan #xr #ar #aprocessofbecoming #remberingtoforget
#remberingtoforget #aprocessofbecoming #ar #xr #3dscan #workinprogress #whatthescannersaw #spanien19c
Study for the site specific augmented reality project What The Scanner saw at #spanien19c towards the end of this year. #whatthescannersaw #workinprogress #3dscan #xr #ar #aprocessofbecoming #remberingtoforget
#remberingtoforget #aprocessofbecoming #ar #xr #3dscan #workinprogress #whatthescannersaw #spanien19c