I really think it’s great that social media enable minority members to find peers, in many cases for the first time in their life.
I also think it’s not so great to mistake that for having found friends. Sometimes the enemy of your enemy is really just somebody’s enemy with anger management problems.
Ridiculous things you realise 🤣
I am reading a story wherein the phrase "See if she knows aught of him" occurs. I suddenly realised that the word "naught" is simply the opposite of "aught".
Aught means "anything at all" and "naught" means nothing at all.
#AproposOfNothing: scrolling through the entire federated timeline on #Mastodon is a LOT more rewarding when you’re on an instance that actively blocks spam, scams and hate before you see it.
"Do not send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee"
Me: "All very well, Mr. Donne, but right now it's tolling for *that gobshite* before me" #AproposOfNothing 🤭
Sometimes, you have to be embarrassed for people precisely because they are incapable of being embarrased for themselves. #AProposOfNothing
Dialog snip:
"I understand risk, I've had sex in the 80s".
Anyone know a good landscape architect in the Bay Area/Santa Cruz county? #aproposOfNothing
If your interpersonal behavior involves consistent bullying, belittling, and emotional manipulation of the people around you, then I'm going to be a wee bit skeptical if/when you present yourself as someone with a really incisive analysis of power and would like to humbly suggest that you take the word "comrade" out of your mouth until you learn just what the fuck it means.
#aproposofnothing #nottakinganyquestions
They call me TMI because I've been known to meltdown and overshare.
#nuclearpower #wordplay #boredom #aproposofnothing
I take it everyone is familiar with the expression "seagull management"? Someone who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everyone, then flies out? #AproposOfNothing
I dreamt had to cut/vaporise a hole through the roof using a device with a laser, so that the pope could escape in a helicopter. Weird dreams be weird. There was apparently a little chimney somewhere so the smoke wouldn’t set off the smoke alarm. #AproposOfNothing #dream
While people recognize Bruce Lee would have been 82 this week, my brain notes he was one year younger than my father… who took me to see ENTER THE DRAGON at the Astro Drive-In when I was four years old. #AproposOfNothing
Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance.
#random #sprockets #snl #AproposOfNothing
#random #sprockets #snl #aproposofnothing