On my 51st year as a ham. Recently has been great to resume my old passions of building antennas. Rediscovered my cw skills in time for field day this summer and now practicing to get my speed back up higher than ever. Exploring #WSPR, #APRS, #Emcomm, microcontrollers, and fun with weather balloons, which started at age 12 with Balsa wood and dry cleaner bags and birthday candles and WN9MRB, but that is another story. Glad to be here and looking forward to making friends
Storm Chasing Idalia
This is really cool, but it occurs to me that while APRS is a fairly decentralized system, APRS-IS could be seen as a single point of failure.
Not sure where APRS-IS is hosted, but surely the server(s) could also lose power?
OTOH, this might be a situation where having a central location to which all available data is funneled has more advantages than disadvantages.
Ha, you can track how long it is taking to get out of #BurningMan by watching the ham radio folks using #APRS. KK6FEN's 3 hour path. Not moving very fast. Left camp around 6 hours ago. Still in line.
LOL thought I'd try #APRS messaging and check out how the ham radio folks are doing down there at #BurningMan... here's the answer direct from the Playa. #hamradio
I maybe theoretically checked in for #FediFridayWinlinkNet via #APRS. No TX igates in my area so I'm not sure.
#HamTalk Q3. Have you used APRS or similar to track something you weren’t with?
A3. I have used #APRS quite a bit. I have an APRS transmitter in my personal vehicle (mostly turned off nowadays, but will plug it in when traveling). We put one in my son's vehicle (his callsign) when he was at school, to track where his car went if it was stolen, LOL.
#APRS #hamradio signature in the parts of Florida most likely to be hit by #Idalia Useful for pre-post event #DisasterAssessment
#aprs #hamradio #idalia #disasterassessment
Not a lot of #APRS #hamradio going on in Cedar Key, although KM4SES (Mark Sudduth, HurricaneTrack) appears to have dropped off something in Cedar Key to catch the surge... #KM4SES #HurricaneTrack
#aprs #hamradio #km4ses #hurricanetrack
We are approaching the peak of #hurricane season in the Atlantic, and there are a lot of us new to #JS8Call.
Might it not be a good idea to do a hurricane drill so we can practice messaging in JS8Call? Could also incorporate #APRS & #Winlink.
I suggest this Sunday. We all pretend we have no power Internet and we pass drill traffic to each other.
Anybody in?
It's important that any traffic we send would be clearly marked as DRILL DRILL DRILL.
#amateurradio #emcomm #hurricanefedi #winlink #aprs #js8call #hurricane
The built-in GPS works great! #recycledlaptops #hamradio #APRS
#aprs #hamradio #recycledlaptops
Just arrived… #mobilinkd #aprs #winlink #hamradio
#mobilinkd #aprs #winlink #hamradio
There are a lot of APRS/CWOP WX stations in the Denver/Boulder area.
Here is a link to the data from mine: https://aprs.fi/weather/a/W0RMT-13
Anyone with #DigiRig experience want to help me diagnose a weird issue I'm seeing?
I'm trying to hook it up to my #Yaesu #FT70 with the cable directly from DigiRig.
When I try to send packets from direwolf, the PTT keys (yay!) for a split second (boo) before just cutting off, and nothing is heard over RF.
Out of curiosity, I tried using the stock BTECH #APRS cable with the UV5R, and that also doesn't appear to work, though that could easily be the cable.
#packetradio #aprs #ft70 #yaesu #Digirig