Testing #aprs is of great fun!
Lately I had two WOW-moments, one is positive, one a bit scarry:
1. #aprsfi really works for #spotting. One OM saw my track and we managed to get two #QSOs despite the difficult conditions for #2m (many trees, no line of sight). Thanks to OE3PWR for the patience!
2. Though APRS offers pretty good positioning data, it can also lead to misinterpretations, at least when combined with SAT data. It looks like I climbed up a sandy 90° wall. Nope, not this time! 😵💫
#2m #QSOs #spotting #aprsfi #aprs
Operating #portable / #mobile #ham on a #bike isn't always fun. A tire damage kicked me out for some time, heat and an approaching thunderstorm made me ride a bit faster than usual, and – as usual on this route – a lot of APRS data sent from the digipeaters but no #QSO.
Interesting comparison between #GPS and #APRS data. Compare the pictures.
#garmin #anytone #austria #bicycle #aprsfi #aprs #gps #qso #bike #ham #mobile #portable
@do1mj @aprsdroid and #aprsfi provide amazing APRS interfaces compared to what you get on even the best APRS radio. That's the reason I created our first product. An APRS radio is OK as a tracker (broadcast only), but I find their interface rather lacking if you want to see what's going on around you.