Check out the winners of this year’s Gallery of Soft Matter Physics - Enlarge / Brown University scientists used two 3D-printed plastic disks... - #galleryofsoftmatterphysics #materialsscience #apsmarchmeeting #gaming&culture #softmatter #science #physics
#physics #science #softmatter #gaming #apsmarchmeeting #materialsscience #galleryofsoftmatterphysics
Ars Technica: Check out the winners of this year’s Gallery of Soft Matter Physics #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #GalleryofSoftMatterPhysics #materialsscience #APSMarchMeeting #Gaming&Culture #softmatter #Science #Physics #science
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #galleryofsoftmatterphysics #MaterialsScience #apsmarchmeeting #Gaming #SoftMatter #science #physics
Ever wondered: “What if my breakfast cereal was magnetic?” Me neither. But a group of #physicists did for this winning video from the Gallery of #SoftMatter at the #APSMarchMeeting in Las Vegas. (Check out the story for the full #video, as well as videos for other winners).
#physicsmagazine #sciencemastodon #physicsnews #sciencejournalism #sciencenews #physics #science #scienceiscool #STEM #fluiddynamics
#fluiddynamics #stem #scienceiscool #science #physics #sciencenews #sciencejournalism #physicsnews #ScienceMastodon #physicsmagazine #video #apsmarchmeeting #softmatter #physicists
Las Vegas: 15°C ❄️ Let's warm up the environment with outdoor radiators along the streets! #APSMarchMeeting #apsmarch #GlobalWarming #PhysicsOfClimate
#apsmarchmeeting #apsmarch #globalwarming #physicsofclimate
#APSMarchMeeting is finally here! Excited to be presenting my work toward Fusion for Reducing Domain Specificity in Computer Vision Models on Wednesday. #APSMarch
Very much looking forward to the first proper day of the #APSMarchMeeting, but this seems like an opportune moment to share a reminder that I might be a bit worse for wear by the end of each day, so go easy on me. 😅 #APSMarch
Also, if you know me from Twitter/Mastodon and you see me wandering around at the #APSMarchMeeting, come say hi! It's great to get to meet some of the people I only know from online interactions.
(I should be easy to spot - there aren't too many gingers running around the March Meeting!)
Suddenly you can't swing a cat in this town without hitting half a dozen physicists. #APSMarchMeeting
I'll be at the #APSMarchMeeting next week, along with a few colleagues. If you see me, say hi!
#networking #physics #apsmarchmeeting
We leave a busy year for an uncertain one, grateful to all that support our projects @queen_of_fog and @QTEP_CSIC, and thankful for the friends we are lucky to work with. Happy 2023! See you at @QuantumConf, #APSMarchMeeting or anywhere else!
at the #APS march meeting 2023 in las vegas, I'll talk about our paper
'Digital Discovery of a Scientific Concept at the Core of Experimental Quantum Optics'
i'll post an introduction to the topic here some time soon!
#aps #apsmarch #apsmarchmeeting
Having great fun trying to find flights that combine a trip to next year's #APSMarchMeeting with a quick visit to NYC on the way back, without costing the earth or involving 3+ flights en route. 🤔