Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: AP Stylebook Recommends We Stop Saying 'TERF' #Jezebel #transexclusionaryradicalfeminism #radicalfeminism #humansexuality #socialissues #apstylebook #transphobia #transgender #punctuation #jkrowling #lgbtslang #gender #comma #terf #lgbt
#jezebel #transexclusionaryradicalfeminism #radicalfeminism #humansexuality #socialissues #apstylebook #transphobia #transgender #punctuation #jkrowling #lgbtslang #gender #comma #terf #lgbt
@EditorMark is live posting the AP style updates from the ACES meeting! I had been worried out missing out because I'm not on Twitter. Thanks a million, Mark!
#apstyle #apstylebook #acesevolve
Replace "the French" with "the Chinese" or "the Poles" or "the Jews" and you may be able see the problem. #APStylebook
AP Stylebook, what in the what? 😂😂
New on my blog: Friday Update Dump.