Looking forward to being part of the inaugural conference for the Association of Philosophy Teachers tomorrow!
#Anarchist #Atheist #PunkRock #Philosophy #Teacher #APTConf23
#Anarchist #atheist #PunkRock #philosophy #teacher #aptconf23
To all UK Philosophy Teachers! The inaugural conference of the Association of Philosophy Teachers ( #APTConf23 ) takes place June 26th 2023 in Birmingham. The keynote address will come from Angie Hobbs and there will be sessions from leading academics, the Philosophy for/with Children movement (The Philosophy Foundation and SAPERE), experienced philosophy teachers and representatives from all the major exam boards.
The link to sign up is here: https://tickets.ruddockpac.co.uk/sales/events/ruddock-hall/association-of-philosophy-teac/ticket
And the more detailed event brochure can be seen here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFguct8ck8/EIhJUIEBL6wm631SGcDXeA/view?utm_content=DAFguct8ck8&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink
Share this post and the info in it widely in your networks so we can not only have a great conference but grow the Association of Philosophy Teachers. Many thanks!
#aptconf23 #philosophy #alevel #conference #apt