"Practice DOESN'T make perfect."
Honestly. No. It doesn't.
But do you know why not?
#fridaymythdestroy #apxd #mythbuster #quoteoftheday #fridaymotivation
Game accessibility should start the first time when you think of your new game.
It is not an extra layer. It is not an expensive thing.
It is all about player experience.
The #gameJam starts tomorrow
Do not look for ultimate solutions. They don't exist.
Use the tools that you have.
Look into yourself and ask: what is in me I can use to reach my goals?
And whatever you find, turn into your tools.
What are your tools?
The #gameJam is coming, and I don't feel ready. We never do.
But that won't stop me, anyway.
Why is that jam so important to me? Who has never been on any?
That's because this jam is all about #accessibility.
So, let's go for it!