@jann @marcoarment @caseyliss @siracusa @atpfm I just got #Aqara #HomeKit doorbell and so far I am quite impressed. HomeKit cameras are such a major improvement over #Blink.
Okay, so yes, it paired and connected directly with one of my SmartThing hubs OTBR router.
Side note: it also comes with a replacement magnetic thingie for the sensor.
Using the front door for testing. So far I--have no words. Assuming it also performs it's function--that is, open/close and temperature--I am totally getting a second one to test on Home Assistant.
#Aqara, I literally cannot believe--of all people--you are the one that did everything right.
I just published my first #3DPrinting model!
#Aqara #SmartHome #HomeAutomation #3DPrint
Xiaomi Aqara mini switch/button slim holder/mount by badnetmask | Download free STL model | Printables.com
#3dprinting #aqara #smarthome #homeautomation #3dprint
Tomorrow--or Saturday--we'll be testing the following:
1.) #TPLink Tapo Matter Compatible Smart Plug Mini
2.) #Aqara Door and Window Sensor P2
3.) #OREiN Matter Smart Light Bulbs
All state--on the box, even--that they are compatible with Apple Home, Google Home, Alexa, and SmartThings.
Considering what I know of Aqara to date--that being Aqara's fuckery customizing the zigbee on their devices so you had to use their hub--I am not exactly optimistic, but I am having fun.
#Aqara, what the 1984 borderline is this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BXWZMQJ3/ref=sspa_dk_detail_2?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B0BXWZMQJ3&pd_rd_w=MUFXc&content-id=amzn1.sym.ce83acae-ca3c-44cd-81e2-3d73204a3b21&pf_rd_p=ce83acae-ca3c-44cd-81e2-3d73204a3b21&pf_rd_r=XV22WS31QFR226KDRJBQ&pd_rd_wg=VcBAH&pd_rd_r=377ac9f0-e5b1-435b-848a-6020e54928ed&s=hi&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM
My #PhilipsHue now replacing #homeassistant automation and #AdaptiveLighting. And it works so well! Why is no one tells that the Hue motion sensor is the best among similar #ZigBee products? #Aqara and #IkeaTradfri are complete trash compared to the Hue one.
And I also love Hue remotes. Nice looking and comfortable.
10 bulbs were replaced, 8 left.
#PhilipsHue #homeassistant #adaptivelighting #zigbee #aqara #ikeatradfri
Interesante la actualización de #Aqara que permite exportar automatizaciones y escenas a #HomeApp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzgu59eH2Cs #HomeKit
Home | Prepared a new round of home automation. | Felkészülve egy újabb okos otthonos mókára. #aqara #homey #smarthome
Scheiß aqara Sensor im Pool geht schon wieder nicht. Wochenlang keine Probleme. Jetzt wieder. Nix umgestellt. Scheiß Stück Hardware. Immerhin war er billig und klein #homeassistant #aqara #xiaomi
But it's freakin’ huge.
#aqara #homeassistant #homeautomation #matter
With the #HotWeather we've been experiencing we've taken to leaving the windows open. Unfortunately because they're open most of the day we sometimes forget and leave the house with one or more left open.
Got one of these to trial on my #Zigbee #HomeAssistant set up. See how well it works and if I can set-up some sort of alert when it detects we've both left the house. Depends on how quickly presence detection works I suppose.
It's tiny though. Much smaller than I was expecting. #Aqara
#hotweather #zigbee #homeassistant #aqara
Hui. Jetzt wollten sie einen Abo andrehen. Hoffe es änder sich nix an der aktuellen Erkennung und so. 🤔 #aqara
My #Aqara air quality monitor is now detecting bad quality due to the smile from the fires. Good to know these things work.
#HomeAssistant #HomeAutomation
#aqara #homeassistant #homeautomation
Die #aqara (#Xiaomi) Temperatursensoren sind ja toll. Klein, passen ins tauchei, um die pooltemperatur zu messen und geben korrekte werte an. Es nervt allerdings, dass die häufig instabil sind und die Verbindung verlieren...
#aqara #xiaomi #zigbee #zigbeehell #homeassistant
Ik overweeg een nieuwe hub van #Aqara aan te schaffen om mijn #HomeKit netwerk nog iets stabieler te maken en ook op de Europese server te kunnen draaien ipv op de Chinese.
Heb nu nog 2 Xiaomi M1 hubs. 2 omdat het bereik niet denderend is. Heb thermometers, raam- en deursensoren, deurbel (Tuinpoort), watersensor, bewegingssensoren. Dus een aardige collectie.
Iemand ervaring met de M2 of E1 hub van Aqara?
Tips? Trucs?
#dtv #domotica #homeautomation
#homeautomation #domotica #dtv #HomeKit #aqara
New Aqara FP2 firmware update release. Fixes a few bugs and is marked as ‘important’.
#HomeAutomation #Aqara #SmartHome
#homeautomation #aqara #smarthome