Tŵters! Been a bit lax at twting lately; I've not been very well, but feeling much better now, & was even able to make today. hasn't been on as the instructor is on holiday, but that starts next Wed, as does going to the which I've neglected for a fortnight due to ill health. Feeling much brighter, though am melting in the heat! Bring on the rain!

#exercise #mentalhealth #gym #taichi #aquaaerobics #afternoon

Last updated 1 year ago

Tŵters! Back from and pushed really hard today, so am feeling worn out but really good. Off to see my stepdad (and his !) this evening, so looking forward to that.

Have organised to be in for the Twt meet-up on the 9th June (details here: blogs.toot.wales/toot/twt-twt-) so hopefully I'll see some of you there!

Have a smashing rest-of-your-day 🙂

#tootup #exercise #mentalhealth #cardiff #bunnies #aquaaerobics #afternoon

Last updated 1 year ago

Afternoon Tŵters. Been a bit of a tough week, but the mentals are starting to clear. Been keeping up with then , and on Thursdays, so that's good at least. It's so hard to stick to a routine when your is struggling, but it's so important to do. The is helping my mood, too.

Hope you're all having a lovely day. 🙂

#sunshine #mentalhealth #aquaaerobics #taichi #gym

Last updated 1 year ago

Afternoon Tŵters! Just in from the , and then - feeling good, and somehow I have *more* energy than I did before I went out?! Go figure!

Restful in the sunshine, might go for a walk, and having the daughter over to stay tonight, so that'll be nice.

tomorrow, then I'm going to be brave and try out a new . Have not sung since 2020, so am a bit but I'm sure it'll be fine.

Have a lovely day, you gorgeous lot. x

#exercise #mentalhealth #anxious #choir #aquaaerobics #afternoon #taichi #gym

Last updated 1 year ago

Tŵters! Just back from and feeling excellent. In comparison to yesterday's not wanting to do the gym, today I couldn't wait to be in the pool. I'm really pleased I've found something I enjoy that's good for me.

Hope you're all having equally excellent days!

#harderbetterfasterstronger #mentalhealth #exercise #aquaaerobics #goodafternoon

Last updated 2 years ago