Fantastic piece by #CBSSundayMorning about #Recompose & natural human reduction!👍 This (or #aquamation or natural burial) is what I want for my remains when the time comes.
"If my decomposing carcass helps nourish the roots of a juniper tree
or the wings of a vulture — that is immortality enough for me…"
~Edward Abbey
#humancomposting #NaturalOrganicReduction #greenfuneral #DeathPositive
#deathpositive #greenfuneral #naturalorganicreduction #humancomposting #aquamation #recompose #CBSSundayMorning
Fantastic piece by @cbsmorning on @Recompose and #naturalhumanreduction!👍
This (or #aquamation or natural burial) is what I want for myself when the time comes…
#aquamation #naturalhumanreduction
Global News BC: ‘A beautiful process’: Cremation company to make aquamation legal in Alberta #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #alkalinehydrolysis #Eirenecremation #ServiceAlberta #watercremation #aquamation #cremation #Consumer #Cemetery #Funerals
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #alkalinehydrolysis #eirenecremation #servicealberta #watercremation #aquamation #cremation #Consumer #cemetery #funerals
A life size Cow
Not this large though...
When people celebrate the life of a loved one, we may wish for a visible sign. We heard today of a motorbike laying next to the loved one at the Crematorium, so why not a life size cow? It was what the person had asked for.
At a recent funeral the family were invited to be with their relative,
#DeathCafé #LiquidChurch #Aquamation #Community #Cremation #Death #DeathCafe #Hindu #Methodist #Terramation
#terramation #Methodist #hindu #death #cremation #community #aquamation #liquidchurch #deathcafe
Human #composting is legal in Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Vermont, California, and now New York.
I had Spanky aquamated, another #cremation alternative that emits far fewer greenhouse gasses.
#GreenBurial #HumanComposting #Aquamation #CremationAlternative #SustainableLiving #SustainableDeath
#composting #cremation #greenburial #HumanComposting #aquamation #cremationalternative #sustainableliving #sustainabledeath
À "Peut contenir des infos", tout sujet intéressant mérite qu'on s'y intéresse.
À l'émission, qu'on pourra entendre à compter de demain sur les ondes des radios membres, les animateurs Simon Forgues et François Coté discutent d'aquamation avec M. Éric Le Sieur du Complexe funéraire Le Sieur.
#pcdinfos #ritesfuneraires #aquamation
Great #death podcast at Recent episode discusses #humandecomposting and touches upon #aquamation. #deathcafe
#deathcafe #aquamation #humandecomposting #death
Interesting video on #aquamation (water #cremation, an environmentally friendly option for human remains) and the legalization process in a couple states (including failure to legalize in Indiana). #funeral #mortician
"How One Man Kept Water Cremation Illegal" by Ask a Mortician
#aquamation #cremation #funeral #mortician
#corbicyclette #crémation #humusation #aquamation #promession... Obsèques "écologiques": vers un tournant dans le très traditionnel secteur du funéraire? 💀👻
#promession #aquamation #humusation #crémation #corbicyclette