The Green Comet Experience
Are you interested in lucid dreaming or ball lightning? How about the feet of geckos or spiders? The aquatic ape? Cave art? Maybe you like clouds. You mi
#AquaticApe #BallLightning #CaveArt #clouds #CollectiveNouns #GeckoFeet #greencomet #LucidDreaming #NearDeathExperience #OBE #SpiderFeet #synesthesia
#aquaticape #balllightning #caveart #clouds #collectivenouns #geckofeet #greencomet #luciddreaming #neardeathexperience #obe #spiderfeet #synesthesia
Aquatic Ape – The Theory Evolves
Those of you who read my post, Bipedal - The Aquatic Ape Theory, might be interested to learn of this gue
#Uncategorized #AquaticApe #bipedal
#uncategorized #aquaticape #bipedal
Bipedal – The Aquatic Ape Theory
See also parts one and three.
Last time, we looked at the Savanna Theory as an attempt to explain the
#Uncategorized #AquaticApe #bipedal
#uncategorized #aquaticape #bipedal