#NowPlaying #Outkast #Aquemini
The new episode of #HitParade is all about Outkast and the evolution of Atlanta hip-hop. Great stuff. Not yet up on the web site, but this is where you'll find it: https://slate.com/podcasts/hit-parade
#hitparade #andre3000 #bigboi #aquemini #outkast #nowplaying
#GreatAlbums1990s - #OutKast - #Aquemini (1998). Planting Atlanta’s stake in the rap game deeper than ever, duo Andre 3000 and Big Boi bring in a spate of guests to reinforce their southern soul-influenced take on 90s hip hop. Tracks like “Rosa Parks” and “Liberation” (with Cee-Lo and Erykah Badu) think on their feet as they rock the house, and the P-Funk grooves (George Clinton also guests on “Synthesizer”) broaden the appeal even further.
#Albums, #Reviews, #1990s, #Rap, #HipHop
#hiphop #Rap #1990s #reviews #albums #aquemini #outkast #greatalbums1990s
“Old school players to new school fools
'Kast keep it jumpin' like kangaroos
But skew it on the bar-b we ain't tryin' to lose
Say "I'll be goddamned if they done changed the rules"”
#outkast #Aquemini #hiphop #vinyl #vinylrecords #vinylcollection #vinylcommunity #nowplaying #recordcollecting #records #music #recordsinmylife #album #albums @vinylrecords @Great_Albums @Vinyl
#outkast #aquemini #hiphop #vinyl #vinylrecords #vinylcollection #vinylcommunity #nowplaying #recordcollecting #records #music #recordsinmylife #album #albums
The Greatest Hip-Hop Storytellers —Ever | https://www.theroot.com/the-greatest-hip-hop-storytellers-ever-1849813909 #thegreatadventuresofslickrick #defjamrecordingsartists #entertainment2cculture #africanamericanculture #africanamericanmuslims #topdawgentertainment #kendricklamarkdot #juliocesarchavez #blackonbothsides #reasonabledebut #ghostfacekillah #gangstarappers #fivepercenters #rickslickrick #kendricklamar #recordlabels #slickrick #suzyscrew #yasiinbey #musicians #aquemini #fatbooty #jay
#thegreatadventuresofslickrick #defjamrecordingsartists #entertainment2cculture #africanamericanculture #africanamericanmuslims #topdawgentertainment #kendricklamarkdot #juliocesarchavez #blackonbothsides #reasonabledebut #ghostfacekillah #gangstarappers #fivepercenters #rickslickrick #kendricklamar #recordlabels #slickrick #suzyscrew #yasiinbey #musicians #aquemini #fatbooty #jay