In this interview, NAfME member Michael Figueroa, Associate Professor of Ethnomusicology at the UNC-Chapel Hill, talks about the music of Arab America as a key component to post-9/11 racial identity formation: http://ow.ly/RkEw50NY0Ky #ArabAmericanHeritageMonth
In the Jan 2016 ‘Journal of General Music Education,’ Audrey Berger Cardany shares ‘Children of the Stone: The Power of Music in a Hard Land’ which describes how music functions in the lives of those who live in the Middle East http://bit.ly/NAfMEJGME #ArabAmericanHeritageMonth
This is a reminder that “Arab” and “Muslim” are not synonymous terms.
Arab Americans encompass a wide array of religious and ethnic groups.
#arabamericanheritagemonth #muslim #arabamerican
It’s National #ArabAmericanHeritageMonth. President Biden stated, “I call upon all Americans to learn more about the history, culture, and achievements of Arab Americans...” How are you recognizing Arab Americans in your school community? http://ow.ly/nVJu50NXYpI
Celebrate #ArabAmericanHeritageMonth with Fadi Fadlalah AKA Amulet, the Lebanese-American hero from the pages of ‘Magnificent Ms. Marvel’! 🎨: Maïa Faddoul https://www.marvel.com/articles/movies/guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-3-world-premiere-livestream #marvel
#arabamericanheritagemonth #marvel
This is so cool.
#Arab #Immigrant #history
RT @The_NewArab
One of the best-kept secrets of Arab, Arab American, and New York City history is the existence of the first Arabic-speaking community in the US in Lower Manhattan at the end of the 19th century. This is their story👇
#ArabAmericanHeritageMonth https://www.newarab.com/features/first-arabic-speaking-community-united-states
#arab #immigrant #history #arabamericanheritagemonth
Great #history lesson!
RT @The_NewArab
The history of Arab Americans dates back to the late c.19th with the arrival of Syrian & Lebanese from the Ottoman Empire. @TheUsmanButt traces the history of this diaspora and how they fared in a rapidly changing environment
#ArabAmericanHeritageMonth https://www.newarab.com/features/between-black-and-white-first-arab-emigrants-america
#history #arabamericanheritagemonth
For #ArabAmericanHeritageMonth this week, I'm looking forward to introducing my students to Dr. Rana El Kaliouby! She's an American scientist of Egyptian heritage who got her Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge and founded Affectiva, a company that uses artificial intelligence to develop emotional recognition and mental health applications. And of course, the algorithms and formulas used in these efforts are full of mathy and geometric stuff! Check out Dr. Kaliouby's work and her acclaimed best-selling book #GirlDecoded at RanaElKaliouby.com.
#girldecoded #arabamericanheritagemonth
RT @AAMers
This #ArabAmericanHeritageMonth and year-round, @ArabAmericanMus has resources to help deepen your understanding of Arab American history and culture. Discover a few below, plus, inspiration on how you can celebrate Arab Americans' lives and contributions at your museum. ⤵️ (1/)
✨In #celebration of #NationalPoetryMonth ✨
a #poem of mine in the new issue of Exterminating Angel Press magazine🪽
You can read the #spring issue for #free, here:
#poetry #poetrycommunity #writing #WritingCommunity #today #Tuesday #arabamericanheritagemonth #joinin
#celebration #NationalPoetryMonth #poem #spring #free #poetry #poetrycommunity #writing #WritingCommunity #today #tuesday #arabamericanheritagemonth #joinin
RT @MTV@twitter.com
This #ArabAmericanHeritageMonth, we’re celebrating with a little help from Huda Fahmy, an Arab American illustrator & author, and her rich heritage – through a humorous take on the abundance of “Warak Enab” (Grape Leaves) her family prepares for gatherings & special occasions.
@thistabithahope Thank you, Tabitha, for sharing this.
Here’s my modest contribution to #NationalPoetryMonth / #arabamericanheritagemonth
a love letter to #Egypt
#NationalPoetryMonth #arabamericanheritagemonth #Egypt #poetrycommunity #poetry
Here we go: 30-ish days of poetry from MENA and diaspora writers in honor of #Ramadan / #NationalPoetryMonth / #ArabAmericanHeritageMonth 👇
#arabamericanheritagemonth #nationalpoetrymonth #ramadan
Grateful to be mentioned in this short list celebrating #arabamericanheritagemonth this April:
#NationalPoetryMonth #april #spring #arabs #usa #immigrants #books #bookstodon @bookstodon
#culture #literature #Monday
Please, #boost 🙏🏼✨
#arabamericanheritagemonth #NationalPoetryMonth #april #spring #arabs #usa #immigrants #books #bookstodon #culture #literature #Monday #boost
So, #NationalPoetryMonth is overlapping with both #ArabAmericanHeritageMonth and #Ramadan ...it feels like a sign.
Should I post a poem from MENA writers for the rest of April? ✍️✍️✍️
#ramadan #arabamericanheritagemonth #nationalpoetrymonth