Tune In to the Hottest Arabic Playlists Spotify Editors Curate for the World
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#UmmKulthum #Tootard #SabahFakhri #RiyadSansoul #MeloukElScene #MehdiZim #MayaYoussef #Mahragant #Maghreb #Levant #LenaChamamyan #HotHitsMaghreb #HotEgyptianHits #HotArabicHitsYalla #Gulf #FreshSharqi #FreshFindsArabia #EqualArabia #Egypt #ArabicMusic #ArabX #ArabMusic #ArabHipHop #ArabHeritageMonth #AlaaIsmail #AbdelHalimHafez #CultureAndTrends
#ummkulthum #tootard #sabahfakhri #riyadsansoul #meloukelscene #mehdizim #mayayoussef #mahragant #maghreb #levant #lenachamamyan #hothitsmaghreb #hotegyptianhits #hotarabichitsyalla #gulf #freshsharqi #freshfindsarabia #equalarabia #egypt #arabicmusic #arabx #arabmusic #arabhiphop #arabheritagemonth #alaaismail #abdelhalimhafez #cultureandtrends
Most of the time music just blends into the background when watching films or shows but then there are certain songs that make me pay attention and to track them down. Here is #ArabHipHop from the show #TheRecruit https://open.spotify.com/track/0Fom4RcaChCLSDQmJK6gIk?si=hbUx_nygQSSvxbT71pqjGg