أعمل حاليا على دعم المعادلات الرياضياتية العربية في ليبرأوفيس، النتائج مبشرة حتى الآن.
Okay, wow, I found a place where the #medieval #Syriac author Ishaq #Shbadnaya misinterpreted the dictionary of Bar Bahlul.
Shbadnaya uses the term Peutah (ܦܘܛܗ), which he glosses as "Matthew the Evangelist." The relationship between the two was opaque even after I looked up the entry in Bar Bahlul's dictionary (pictured).
In the 1860s Robert Payne-Smith published an early Syriac lexicon, based in part on Bar Bahlul's dictionary. Payne-Smith helpfully identified Greek words for as many of Bar Bahlul's entries as he could. Payne-Smith's entry is pictured as well.
So Bar Bahlul included the Greek word πότε in his dictionary, defined correctly as "when?" But Shbadnaya incorrectly interpreted the question "when?" as the name Matthew (one letter off in #Syriac, the exact same letters in #Arabic), and specified that he meant Matthew the Evangelist...
A misunderstanding over five hundred years ago.
#medieval #syriac #shbadnaya #arabic
"يساعدون بوتين في الخفاء" .. هل أتت عقوبات الغرب على روسيا أي نتيجة؟
#روسيا #russia #عقوبات #sanctions #عربي #arabic
On that note: Do people with a native language that reads right-to-left like #Arabic, #Japanese or #Chinese actually find #FunctionalProgramming languages like :haskell: #Haskell easier to read? 🤔
#arabic #japanese #chinese #functionalprogramming #haskell
Best #Arabic pronunciation in #USA! 😭😭😭
حمص ❎
خمص ✅
to add on to this list (and article), it is good to read this article written in 2009 by Shaykh Husain Kadodia (from South Africa), explaining what the state of commercial publishing was like with regards to Islamic texts, their verification and the cutting of corners:
It is for this reason that I disagree with those who say copyright is not applicable in Islamic law (based on this blatant plagiarism).
For those in the #IslamicStudies field, the following article about the best publishers and editors of Islamic texts in #Arabic will be useful when seeking to purchase copies of various textbooks/texts:
Thank you, Nariman Youssef, for the rare pleasure of seeing my words translated into #Arabic 🙇🏻
يتساءل الشعر
في اعتداد بريء
هل يمكننا
بإعادة ترتيب الكلمات
في جملة
أن نعيد ترتيب العالم؟
#Poetry wonders,
with innocent grandiosity:
Can we reorder the world,
by rearranging the words
in a line of verse?
#translation #writing #life #universe #WritingCommunity #micropoetry
#arabic #poetry #translation #writing #life #universe #WritingCommunity #micropoetry
Ekzemploj de kirundaj vortoj kiu originas el la araba tra la svahila:
Skatolo: șundûq (ar.) sanduki (sw.) isandugu (rn.)
Horo: sa3a (ar) saa (sw) isaha (rn)
Merkato: sûq (ar) soko (sw) isoko (rn)
Ĉevalo: faras (ar) farasi (sw) ifarasi (rn)
Krajono: qalam (ar) kalamu (sw) ikaramu (rn)
Tendo ĥayma (ar) hema (sw) ihema (rn)
Sapo șabûn (ar) sabuni (sw) isabuni
(Bv notu: ankaŭ en esperanto "sapo" originas el la araba 🥰)
#esperanto #lang_eo #kirundi #bantu #arabic #lingvoj #lingvo
فايا يونان - فيروز أهواك بلا أمل | مهرجان الغناء بالفصحى الرياض 2022
#ClassicalArabic #Arabic #ModernStandardArabic #songs #فايا_يونان #فصحى #أغنية
#أغنية #فصحى #فايا_يونان #songs #modernstandardarabic #arabic #classicalarabic
I have been consumed with binding artist books and writing the monograph that goes with them, but I expect to finish writing tomorrow! Now that I'm so close to printing, I'm opening pre-orders for the monograph: It's a chance to catch it at the early bird price but the window closes when the book goes to press. It will ship in October after my campaign fulfillment.
Order here: http://majnouna.com/shop/books
#arabic #abjad #calligraphy #Kufic #scripts
😎 Who else is on Duolingo?
I want a foldable phone so bad but not sure about the price yet
#arabic #honor #fold #smartphone #foldable
I still don't understand more than a few words of #Arabic, but this morning I recognized the
call to prayer coming from the phone of an early morning walker. For just a moment the small anglo-centric city felt a bit more connected to the world.
"Begging Bowl" dated 1130 AH/1717–18 CE
Artist: Yar Muhammad
Dept: Islamic Art
Classification: Metal
Credit: Rogers Fund, 1909
Medium: Coco-de-mer shell, silver and gilded silver; pierced and engraved
#museumbot #metmuseum #arabic
من جميل ما كتب شاعرنا الكبير كريم العراقي، الذي غادرنا اليوم الى مثواه الابدي:
الشمسُ شمسي والعراقُ عراقي
ما غيَّرَ الدخلاءُ من أخلاقي
أنا منذ فجر ِالأرض ِألبسُ خوذتي
و وصية ُالفقراءِ فوقَ نطاقي
وأنا الجميلُ السومري البابلي
كانت يدي قيثارة َالعشاق
وتحالفت كلُ العصور ِلمقتلي
فأغظتــُها بتماسكي الخلاّق
#العراق #عربي #شعر #iraq #poetry #arabic