Where are all the wasted days?
Iman Mersal, translated from the Arabic by Robyn Creswell
#Poetry #PoetryInTranslation #ArabicPoetry #ImanMersal #RobynCreswell #CV #NewYorkReviewOfBooks
#NewYorkReviewOfBooks #cv #robyncreswell #imanmersal #arabicpoetry #poetryintranslation #poetry
A very personal and heartfelt article from Ali Al-Jamri that blends family history, folk dialect poetry and women’s stories of serfdom in Bahrain
Some poems are hard to read without feeling a lump building in your heart. But it is wonderfull to see this part of history preserved.
#history #Bahrain #folktales #arabicPoetry
#history #bahrain #folktales #arabicpoetry