The awesomest couple from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero is General Hawk and Doc. #GIJoe #ARAH #GenHawk #EdGilbert #Doc #BusterJones
#gijoe #arah #genhawk #edgilbert #doc #busterjones
The whole gang agrees that Major Bludd and Dr. Shakur from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero should kiss. #GIJoe #ARAH #MajorBludd #MichaelBell #DrShakur #StanJones
#gijoe #arah #majorbludd #michaelbell #drshakur #stanjones
Who wants Colonel Brekhov and Shipwreck from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero to cuddle? I'm trying to see something. #GIJoe #ARAH #ColonelBrekhov #GreggBerger #Shipwreck #NeilRoss
#gijoe #arah #colonelbrekhov #greggberger #shipwreck #neilross
The coolest ship from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero is MetalfaceSnow (Destro and Snow Job). #GIJoe #ARAH #Destro #ArthurBurghardt #SnowJob #RobPaulsen
#gijoe #arah #destro #arthurburghardt #snowjob #robpaulsen
Who wants Lady Jaye and Blowtorch from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero to smooch? I'm trying to see something. #GIJoe #ARAH #LadyJaye #MaryMcDonaldLewis #Blowtorch #MichaelBell
#gijoe #arah #ladyjaye #marymcdonaldlewis #blowtorch #michaelbell
Who wants Mutt and Zarana from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero to hold hands? I'm trying to see something. #GIJoe #ARAH #Mutt #BillMorey #Zarana #LisaRaggio
#gijoe #arah #mutt #billmorey #zarana #lisaraggio
We stan Xamot and Lift-Ticket from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. #GIJoe #ARAH #Xamot #MichaelBell #LiftTicket #MichaelBell
#gijoe #arah #xamot #michaelbell #liftticket
We posilutely stan Iceberg and Frostbite from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. #GIJoe #ARAH #Iceberg #ArthurBurghardt #Frostbite #ChristopherCollins
#gijoe #arah #iceberg #arthurburghardt #frostbite #christophercollins
Golden Destro - and character-specific jingles - return in Gene Kendall's look at the animated commercial for #GIJoe #74!
Thanks to 3DJoes for the video!
#GIJoeNation #ARAH
Kaidah Tangan Kanan Pada Arah Gaya Lorentz Berita Info
Kaidah tangan kanan digunakan dalam fisika untuk menentukan arah gaya Lorentz pada partikel bermuatan yang bergerak dalam medan magnetik atau listrik. Para pembaca Berita Info. Kaidah ini didasarkan pada aturan tangan kanan, di mana jari-jari tangan kanan digunakan untuk menentukan arah vektor tertentu.
#Kaidah #Tangan #Kanan #Arah #Gaya #Lorentz #Berita #Info
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#kaidah #tangan #kanan #arah #gaya #lorentz #berita #info
We all agree that Dr. Shakur and Airborne are the neatest couple from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. #GIJoe #ARAH #DrShakur #StanJones #Airborne #PeterCullen
#gijoe #arah #drshakur #stanjones #airborne #PeterCullen
We stan Matthew Burke and Snow Job from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. #GIJoe #ARAH #MatthewBurke #PhilipLClarke #SnowJob #RobPaulsen
#gijoe #arah #matthewburke #philiplclarke #snowjob #robpaulsen
Who wants Beach Head and Dusty from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero to get married? I'm trying to see something. #GIJoe #ARAH #BeachHead #WilliamCallaway #Dusty #NeilRoss
#gijoe #arah #beachhead #williamcallaway #dusty #neilross
Monkeywrench and Buzzer from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. IYKYK. #GIJoe #ARAH #Monkeywrench #NeilRoss #Buzzer
#gijoe #arah #monkeywrench #neilross #buzzer
The neatest couple from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero is Bobby and Firefly. #GIJoe #ARAH #Bobby #DavidMendenhall #Firefly #GreggBerger
#gijoe #arah #bobby #davidmendenhall #firefly #greggberger
Mainframe and Thunder from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero - kiss when, amirite y'all? #GIJoe #ARAH #Mainframe #PatrickPinney #Thunder #NeilRoss
#gijoe #arah #mainframe #patrickpinney #thunder #neilross
Did it hurt? When Bree Van Mark and Cutter from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero didn't kiss? #GIJoe #ARAH #BreeVanMark #SusanBlu #Cutter #GreggBerger
#gijoe #arah #breevanmark #susanblu #cutter #greggberger
Bazooka and Cobra Commander from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. That's it. That's the tweet. #GIJoe #ARAH #Bazooka #JohnHostetter #CobraCommander #ChristopherCollins
#gijoe #arah #bazooka #johnhostetter #cobracommander #christophercollins
Everyone in the world agrees that Sgt. Slaughter and Wild-Bill are the sweetest couple from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. #GIJoe #ARAH #SgtSlaughter #RobertRemus #WildBill #FrankWelker
#gijoe #arah #sgtslaughter #robertremus #wildbill #frankwelker