Visiting Arnsberg!! (on Apple streetview 😂😂) “Map”(2006-2019), permanent sculpture, #arnsberg #arambartholl #kunstvereinarnsberg
#arnsberg #arambartholl #kunstvereinarnsberg
At the science museum in the current special exhibit hall it was all about data, Internet and the challenges Web.3.0 brings. One exhibit was this by Aram Bartholl. Of course I checked if I could find one of my passwords (no) but it was interessting to see what other people choose as passwords.
#password #museumfürVerkehrundTechnik #Berlin #arambartholl
#password #museumfurverkehrundtechnik #berlin #arambartholl
In Oct 2009 I ran spontaneously behind the Google Streetview car on Borsigstrasse Berlin. One year later the Streetview pictures were published by Google and my action became a performance piece. I called it “15 Seconds Of Fame“. I could be found on the service for a very long time, for almost 14 years. Google never updated the picture set because there were big discussions over privacy questions in Germany back then. But couple weeks ago, on July 25th 2023 Google ran an update and I disappeared from the service. „15 seconds of fame“ turned into almost 15 years ;)) The work is finally complete.
#15secondsoffame #arambartholl #2009-2023 #google #streetview #germany
#15secondsoffame #arambartholl #google #streetview #germany
When you remove the very thin display layer from the front of a TV, you are left with just the hollow case and the back light panel of the TV. Usually we never see these back lights inside the TV which are needed to illuminate the transparent pixels in the front. Mostly it is just a grid of LEDs or rows of thin fluorescent light tubes in the older models. The media layer removed these obsolete TVs are reduced to only broadcasting plain light. There are no more images or sound, just a blueish flickering LED grids, like a shadow of bygone media.
For my solo show at #kunsthalleosnabrueck the team built three of these chandeliers, each made of 12 old recycle TVs which we got from the local recycle yard. Each chandelier is 3,50 meter in diameter and weights over 180 kg. In the end the biggest problem was to make sure the TVs don’t switch off into standby mode automatically. Kind off funny side-effect when you plan to have them as lights. To prevent that we regularly cut the power. Next time I will add an HDMI source, would very well fit the work ;)
“Witnesses Of Surveillance Capitalism“ recycle TVs, steel, wires, cables, electronics, 3,5 x 3,5 x 1,8 meter, 180 kg
Credits: Thx to the excellent team Andreas Zelle and Timo Katz for making these! 🙏🏻 🙏🏻
#arambartholl #recycletv #chandelier #wittnessof #sureveillancecapitalism #kunsthalleosnabrueck #ihrpaketistabholbereit #2023
#kunsthalleosnabrueck #arambartholl #recycletv #chandelier #wittnessof #sureveillancecapitalism #ihrpaketistabholbereit
A few more pics from #darmstaedter_tage_d_fotografie which already closed. The next stop of “This Is Fine” will be #neues_museum_nuernberg 👋🏻 in September! Thx again to the Darmstadt-team for this beautiful wood version of the piece!🙏🏻#thisisfine 🔥 #arambartholl 2023
#darmstaedter_tage_d_fotografie #neues_museum_nuernberg #thisisfine #arambartholl
Der neuste shit für die kommenden Lagerfeuerabende:
Statt Knüppelteig oder Marshmellows über dem Feuer das Smartphone aufladen. Da kann der Blackout kommen..... ;)
#diy #arambartholl #firecharger #technicalRomanticism
#diy #arambartholl #firecharger #technicalromanticism