Tuesday #column: How someone lit half of Saudi Arabia's oil production capacity on fire, how world markets scramble to deal with the resulting fuel deficit, and why I celebrate it. #AramcoDroneStrike #SaudiOilFields #HouthiPrecision #writing #politics #yemenwar
"Bust the Bank, Break the Crown":
#aramcodronestrike #SaudiOilFields #HouthiPrecision #column #writing #politics #yemenwar
Thread by @CorentinSellin@twitter.com: "Hier, les sont le doigt sur la gâchette si l' est prouvé coupable de l' . Ce soir, l' semble coupable […]" #EtatsUnis #Iran #AramcoDroneStrike #Trump https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1173690840620945413.html
#trump #aramcodronestrike #iran #etatsunis