A lovely Long-horned Orbweaver (Macracantha arcuata) spotted at Upper Seletar Reservour Park, Singapore, on 10 Sept 2023. Always a delight to spot this spider with its amazing long horns.
#singapore #photography #spiders #araneae
This fluffy furry ball looks ready to become spider wasp food. Also looks like an octopus, its limbs hanging limp under its globular abdomen, the thorax and head somehow hidden away. Despite, it’s all an appearance: notice a pair of limbs keeping a tab on silk strands, awaiting the signal that indicates prey—in other words, alert.
Gorse orbweaver spider, Agalenatea redii. Quite tiny, sitting on a forked twig, awaiting rhe moment to zap a distracted fly or bee http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/181796813
#spiders #araneae #inaturalist
A Dome Web Spider (Cyrtophora moluccensis) spotted at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Singapore, on 1 May 2023. This spider family makes a large, mainly horizontal web, like the top of a circus tent.
On iNaturalist [ https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/158562458 ]
#iNaturalist #Nature #Singapore #Photography #Spiders #Araneae
#inaturalist #nature #singapore #photography #spiders #araneae
#MDGLøten presenterer #NaturmangfoldILøten
Edderkopper (Araneae) er ikke insekter. Det er en egen gruppe. I Norge er det funnet over 600 forskjellige arter og det er registrert over 50 000 arter på jorda. Jeg blir fascinert av nettene som endel av edderkoppartene lager. Og i dag så var fuktigheten spesiell her i hjemme slik at alle edderkoppnettene viste seg godt frem i hagene og i veikanten. Se på bildene. Under hvert nett så sitter det en edderkopp og venter på byttet!
#mdgloten #naturmangfoldiloten #edderkopper #araneae
(CW: images of a spider feeding on a butterfly)
I saw this Julia Heliconian (Dryas iulia) butterfly and knew what happened: it had been caught by a Flower Crab Spider (genus Thomisus). Spotted at Ulu Sembawang Park Connector on 9 July 2023.
On iNaturalist [ https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/171915090 ]
#iNaturalist #Nature #Singapore #Photography #Spiders #Araneae #Insects #Butterflies #Lepidoptera
#inaturalist #nature #singapore #photography #spiders #araneae #insects #butterflies #lepidoptera
#SpiderSunday: an _Enoplognatha_ cobweb spider (a juvenile male going by the bulbous but undifferentiated pedipalps) delicately drawing out silk. Found down by the lake.
#ArthroBeauty #DailySpiderPic #arachnids #spiders #Araneae #Theridiidae
#spidersunday #arthrobeauty #dailyspiderpic #arachnids #spiders #araneae #Theridiidae
A Boomerang Comb-footer Spider, genus Rhomphaea, spotted at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Singapore, on 12 March 2023. With a boomerang shaped abdomen and long spindly legs, I thought it was a moult until I saw it move.
On iNaturalist [ https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/150908041 ]
#iNaturalist #Nature #Singapore #Photography #Spders #Araneae
#inaturalist #nature #singapore #photography #spders #araneae
Happy to get my first shot of the Eight-spotted Crab Spider (Platythomisus octomaculatus) at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on 1 May 2023. I heard a visitor exclaim about seeing "a lovely spider", so I went to take a look, and it was this. I congratulated him on spotting a rare spider. 🙂
This is one of the largest members of the crab spiders.
On iNaturalist [ https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/158562650 ]
#iNaturalist #Nature #Singapore #Photography #Spiders #Araneae
#inaturalist #nature #singapore #photography #spiders #araneae
Gorse Orb-weaver, Agalenatea redii Canon 7D EFS 60 2.8 f/6.3 1/250 iso: 160 Milovice, Czech Republic June 1, 2022 #Arachnidae #Araneae #Agalenatea #Spiders #orbweavers #macro #canon #canonphotography
#arachnidae #araneae #agalenatea #spiders #orbweavers #macro #canon #canonphotography
A spiny Orbweaver, Gasteracantha mengei, spotted at Upper Seletar Reservoir Park, Singapore, on 5 Feb 2023. The spines might make it more difficult for a predator to swallow the spider.
On iNaturalist [ https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/148086403 ]
#iNaturalist #Nature #Singapore #Photography #Spiders #Araneae
#inaturalist #nature #singapore #photography #spiders #araneae
Napoleon Spider, Synema globosum Canon 400D EF 100 2.8 f/3.5 1/320 iso: 200 Celakovice-Jirina, CZE July 14, 2013 #spiders #arachnids #araneae #thomisidae #macro #invertebrates #canon
#spiders #arachnids #araneae #thomisidae #macro #invertebrates #canon
(CW. Images of a pair of spiders mating.)
A pair of Big-bellied Tylorida (Tylorida ventralis) spotted in the act of mating at Pasir Ris Park, Singapore, on 21 Jan 2023. The male is the smaller one on the left, and it is in the act of putting sperm into the female.
On iNaturalist [ https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/147008236 ]
#iNaturalist #Nature #Singapore #Photography #Spiders #Araneae
#inaturalist #nature #singapore #photography #spiders #araneae
(CW: images of a jumping spider.)
A large Heavy Jumper (Hyllus diardi) spotted at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Singapore, on 8 Jan 2023. About the size of a fingernail, this cutie was curious, and kept circling to try to locate my camera. 🙂
On iNaturalist [ https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/146107973 ]
#iNaturalist #Nature #Singapore #Photography #Spiders #Araneae
#inaturalist #nature #singapore #photography #spiders #araneae
(CW: images of a spider feeding on a beetle.)
A female Batik Golden Web Spider (Trichonephila antipodiana) feeding on a large Scarab beetle spotted at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Singapore, on 8 Jan 2023. Quite a large meal for a large spider.
The female Batik Golden Web Spider, along with the Golden Orbweaver, are the largest spiders found locally.
On iNaturalist [ https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/146107966 ]
#iNaturalist #Nature #Singapore #Photography #Spiders #Araneae #Insects #Beetles #Coleoptera
#inaturalist #nature #singapore #photography #spiders #araneae #insects #beetles #coleoptera
(CW: Images of a spider)
A Two-striped Telamonia (Telamonia dimidiata) spotted at Pasir Ris Park, Singapore, on 10 Dec 2022. A common jumping spider; this one was willing to stay relatively still while these shots were being taken.
On iNaturalist [ https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/144070600 ]
#iNaturalist #Nature #Singapore #Photography #Spiders #Araneae
#inaturalist #nature #singapore #photography #spiders #araneae
A lovely Elegant Lynx Spider 🕷 hunting on a geranium. 💜
#flowers #geraniums #lynxspider #spider #arachnids #australianspiders #oxyopesmundulus #araneae #arachnida #oxyopidae #invertebrates #Arthropoda #elegantlynxspider #oxyopeselegans
#oxyopeselegans #elegantlynxspider #Arthropoda #invertebrates #oxyopidae #arachnida #araneae #oxyopesmundulus #australianspiders #arachnids #spider #lynxspider #geraniums #flowers
(CW: images of a spider preying on a butterfly.)
A Giant Golden Orbweaver (Nephila pilipes) preying on a Common Bluebottle (Graphium sarpedon) that had flown into its web. The spider injected venom and then wrapped up the butterfly. Spotted at Lornie Park Connector on 1 Feb 2023.
On iNaturalist [ https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/147821010 ].
#iNaturalist #Nature #Singapore #Photography #Spiders #Araneae #Butterflies #Lepidoptera
#inaturalist #nature #singapore #photography #spiders #araneae #butterflies #lepidoptera
This is the under side of a female Golden Orb Weaver. 🕷 She is colourful and majestic. 💜
#australianspiders #arachnids #Nephila #spiders #スパイダー#goldenorbweaver #Trichonephila
#蜘蛛 #クモ #Trichonephilaplumipes
#Araneidae #ilovespiders #Araneae #invertebrates
#invertebrates #araneae #ILoveSpiders #araneidae #Trichonephilaplumipes #クモ #蜘蛛 #Trichonephila #スパイダー #spiders #Nephila #arachnids #australianspiders
The large Golden Orb Weaver spider 🕷 is female and the male is tiny. For a fortnight they have been together now. Hoping for babies. 💜
#goldenorbweaver #ilovespiders #australianspiders #arachnids #spiders #spiderlove #クモ #蜘蛛#Nephilidae #Araneae #Nephilaplumipes #Trichonephila
#Trichonephila #Nephilaplumipes #araneae #蜘蛛 #クモ #spiderlove #spiders #arachnids #australianspiders #ILoveSpiders #goldenorbweaver
Jumping spider in Australia. 💜🕷
#jumpingspider #australianspiders #ilovespiders #spiders #salticoidea #araneae #arachnids #salticidae #invertebrates #kumo #クモ #Supaidā #スパイダー
#スパイダー #Supaidā #クモ #kumo #invertebrates #salticidae #arachnids #araneae #salticoidea #spiders #ILoveSpiders #australianspiders #jumpingspider