Tonight we write our first AQL graph query to display file names of ZIP attachments in the email view! #php #symfony #arangodb join us at (or if that's more your jam)!
AQL stands for Arango Query Language and is the "SQL equivalent" for the ArangoDb multi-model database software. At the end of last's stream, ChatGPT (3.5?) just spat out a working draft and today we try to reach parity in understanding AQL.
See you on the tubes!
Got arangoimport loading 1M records from a flat EDI text file (CSV with 40 columns basically), and it finished in 8 seconds. 125k/s is very respectable. #arangodb
Still torturing a local deployment of #Arangodb as part of tech evaluation.
Yesterday got a graph building query syntax wrong, wanted to create just 1:1 edges between to document sets, instead it created N*M edges! Well, the machine ran out of disk and the underlying RocksDB halted. I killed the query and it left behind a graph with 2M edges. Deleting edges freed up all disk space.
Today been playing with full text search engine; you have to create views AOT, but it has all the knobs to tweak.
"We developed a #Lisp-like intermediate representation to be able to transport programs into the existing Pregel implementation in #ArangoDB. These programs are executed using the interpreter inside the AIR Pregel algorithm."
This whole rant was brought to you by two recent experiences:
1) I am currently evaluating #Arangodb and find it delightful so far, but there's a huge discrepancy between it's raw performance when interacting with it directly, vs what I get out of the Java and Golang drivers.
2) I wrote a Spring Data Repository abstraction that is tenant-aware, every call of the Crud and JPA repositories take an extra tenant ID, because it's used in a #SaaS app. But I can't be trust it anymore. Too much magic!
Seeded Arangodb with 1B documents, running on my aging MacBook, and it was snappy!
Each "document" has an enforced JSON schema of (id: String, name: String, price: Double), plus a few random fields for each document.
Built-in UI suffices for learning & local admin, tons of metrics and timing hints. Good UX with syntax highlighting, sample queries.
Document lookup, graph relationship queries, & full text all work great.
Skip the Spring-Data driver.
Next we test operational stuff.
You might not need to code much for domain modeling. If you want to write a few entity descriptions using a pseduo-SQL, sketch executable functions in a pseduo-JavaScript, and enjoy free rest endpoints, repl, object graph, document store, full text search and CRUD operations: just stock #Arangodb console will do.
You will be interacting with a web UI, backed by a truly multi-model database that can persist data.
Don't trust it for prod, yet, but it's a perfect mind tool. #softwarearchitecture
#arangodb #softwarearchitecture
Just some additional #introduction. My preferred environment at the moment is something like
- #rockylinux
- #flask
- #arangoDB (I like arango-orm for modelling)
- #htmx (extra exclamation marks 😉) to reduce or substitute js/js-frameworks.
Nevertheless I still do a lot of classic #Zope and #mongoDB stuff.
#introduction #RockyLinux #flask #arangodb #htmx #zope #mongodb
@skobkin устали от капризности elastic и постоянных граблей. Используем для анализа большого объёма логов и threat hunting.
Хотели schemaless - просто json складывать, внятный язык запросов, не java и не потерять в скорости.
C++, есть графы, удобная админка, очень быстрая, если про индексы не забывать.
Очень довольны, но приколы тоже есть.
#bigdata #arangodb
Woop, woop! ArangoDB 3.5 is GA – Distributed JOINs, Streaming Transactions, extended #SearchEngine & #GraphDatabase capabilities.
Check out all shiny new features on our blog:
#searchengine #graphdatabase #nosql #multimodel #arangodb #shinynewthings
New Case Study!
Meet Semantic Tweet #Analytics with #ArangoDB & #Rlang
Big thanks to for developing the driver & sharing the case study! 🥑
#analytics #arangodb #rlang #nosql #database
The whole open (and free) source infrastructure around Microsofts development-tools -- the, for me new, language-server microcosmos -- entering my #emacs workflow is thrilling. I have lingering doubts, remnants of the FUD days of yonder, but cannot see how MS could take the results of the adoption away from the FOSS community.
Check out lsp-mode, dap-mode and the servers available -- I use it for serverside js (#arangodb #foxx apps ) and PHP development