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#Ararat #AğrıDağı #history #reisen #travel #Turkey #Türkei #CamperVan
#travelthursday #Campervan #turkei #turkey #travel #reisen #history #agridagi #ararat
Islam-Inspired Masonic Cult That Influenced US for years: The Shriners
Here is the strange story of the Shriners organization, members of which include very significant people ranging from ex-US presidents to celebrities for 145 years.
#Ararat #FreeMason #HarryTruman #KnightsTemplar #Mason #Missouri #Muslim #ScottishRite #Shriner #Truman #Washington #Apartheid #Atheism #BanTheBible #BanTheKoran #BanTheTalmud #Bennett #Bible #Church #ClergyAbuse #Christ #Gaza #God #Islam #Israel #Jesus #Judaism #Koran #Lapid #Mecca #Muhammad #Netanyahu #Palestine #Pope #Quran #Religion #Talmud #Vatican #Zionism
#ararat #freemason #harrytruman #knightstemplar #mason #missouri #muslim #scottishrite #shriner #truman #Washington #apartheid #atheism #banthebible #banthekoran #banthetalmud #bennett #bible #church #clergyabuse #christ #gaza #god #islam #israel #jesus #judaism #koran #lapid #mecca #muhammad #netanyahu #palestine #pope #quran #religion #talmud #vatican #zionism
Islam-Inspired Masonic Cult That Influenced US for years: The Shriners
Here is the strange story of the Shriners organization, members of which include very significant people ranging from ex-US presidents to celebrities for 145 years.
#Ararat #FreeMason #HarryTruman #KnightsTemplar #Mason #Missouri #Muslim #ScottishRite #Shriner #Truman #Washington
#ararat #freemason #harrytruman #knightstemplar #mason #missouri #muslim #scottishrite #shriner #truman #Washington
#Earthquake M2.6 strikes 28 km SW of #Ararat (#Armenia) 10 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1224019
#Earthquake M2.6 strikes 28 km SW of #Ararat (#Armenia) 11 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1216437
1er épisode de "Noé, du déluge à l'Alliance", disponible sur toutes les plateformes : Aux sources du déluge #gilgamesh #ararat #teampodcast https://www.spreaker.com/episode/52534847
#gilgamesh #ararat #teampodcast
El pueblo que mira a las estrellas
Desde el principio de los tiempos el hombre ha mirado al cielo con expectación. Ha reflejado en sus observaciones temor o referencias a las divinidades o a la mística astrología. Ha observado los fenómenos celestes y ha obtenido sus conclusiones. Existe un pueblo que miraba a las estrellas desde tiempo remotos, y lo sigue haciendo, aún hoy, aunque no tenga los medios necesarios para ello.
#estrellas #ciencia #cielo #armenia #ararat
#estrellas #ciencia #cielo #Armenia #ararat
RT @aussiekk@twitter.com
My brother-in-law has been air-lifted to Royal Melbourne hospital after a car crash in #Ararat #victoria. My sister is with him but frantic about her dog who ran off and could be injured. Aussie friends - please spread the word. Contact #ararat police with any info. THANK YOU!
Che bello però passare la stazione #Trastevere, il fiume, e subito dopo vedere il vecchio serraglio, ora #Ararat, che sventola la bandiera del #PKK! :rojava3:
Ciao a #Puntarella!
#Puntarella #pkk #ararat #trastevere
Lieber #Deutschlandfunk: könnt Ihr nicht wenigstens Eure #Nachrichten auf Fehler (Deutsch und korrekten Inhalt) kontrollieren? Heute wieder: "Berg Arafat" - nein, der Berg heißt #Ararat und der Exterrorist hieß Arafat.
#ararat #nachrichten #deutschlandfunk