18. August: Baumpflanztag in Pakistan: Das Land hält den Guinness-Weltrekord für die meisten in 24 Stunden gepflanzten Bäume.
Details zum Tag und Wald in Pakistan hier: http://www.baldwald.de/umwelttage/pflanzen/18-august-National-Tree-Plantation-Day-Pakistan.htm
#wald #baum #wälder #bäume #forest #trees #arborDay #TagdesBaumes #Pakistan
#wald #baum #walder #baume #forest #trees #arborday #tagdesbaumes #pakistan
TV Guide, March 22-28, 1980
#StockardChanningShow #StockardChanning #Peanuts #CharlieBrown #ArborDay #TvGuide #Television #TVShows #Retro #Vintage
#stockardchanningshow #stockardchanning #peanuts #charliebrown #arborday #tvguide #television #tvshows #retro #vintage
Umweltfreunde haben es Ende Juli nicht leicht: Natur-Welttage kommen Schlag auf Schlag:
▶ 26. Juli: Internationaler Tag der Mangroven: ogy.de/2qj5
▶ 28. Juli: Weltnaturschutztag: ogy.de/c5lu
▶ 29. Juli: Internationaler Tag des Tigers: ogy.de/q9rk
▶ 30. Juli: Der Tag des Baumes in Australien: ogy.de/bszo
▶ 31. Juli: Welt Ranger Tag: ogy.de/e3sf
#wald #baum #natur #tigerday #mangrove #arborday #australien #ranger
#wald #baum #natur #TigerDay #mangrove #arborday #australien #ranger
Speaking at annual national #ArborDay, Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni highlights importance of forest and urges public to enhance forest and wildlife protection http://xhtxs.cn/JYZ
My children (youngest is 31) helped me plant this Tulip Poplar when it was a two-foot sapling given away by the local landfill on #ArborDay. Look at this state tree of #Tennessee now!! #ThickTrunkTuesday
#arborday #tennessee #thicktrunktuesday
Heute 22. Mai regional:
▶ Tag des Baumes in Guatemala und Ecuador: ogy.de/r8zv
In Guatemala gingen etwa 3% pro Jahr an Waldfläche verloren, aber es gibt auch Gemeinschaften die grosse Waldflächen bewirtschaften.
Und Equador, durchzogen von den zwei weltweit bedeutenden Biodiversitäts-Hotspots, steht im Focus globaler Umweltschutzinteressen.
#equador #Guatemala #forest #trees #umwelt #tagdesbaumes #arborday #22mai #may22
#equador #guatemala #forest #trees #Umwelt #tagdesbaumes #arborday #22mai #may22
Happy Arbor Day, sweet Olana tree!
#photography #photooftheday #tree #arborday #trees #olana #hudson #hudsonvalley
#hudsonvalley #hudson #olana #trees #arborday #tree #photooftheday #photography
A day late for #ArborDay, but today is a much better day to celebrate the trees in #washingtondc. Of course there's a song for that, which you can find over on Bandcamp https://ohljazz.bandcamp.com/track/for-a-tree #songwriting #songwriter #trees #treesong #nature
#arborday #washingtondc #songwriting #songwriter #trees #treesong #nature
We 💜 trees! 🌲🌳
Trees are already super cool, but did you know that they also help manage flood water? #ArborDay pic.twitter.com/K9RMQF8koa
CBS promo It's Arbor Day, Charlie Brown 1976
#CharlieBrown #ArborDay #cartoons #tvshow #tvmovie #Peanuts #television #tv
#charliebrown #arborday #cartoons #tvshow #tvmovie #peanuts #television #tv
The Arbor Day Foundation tweets:
It’s finally here —the day to say Yes to trees! We’re celebrating the many Yeses from partners, members, and supporters like you who helped us plant hundreds of millions of trees, and the many more Yeses it will take to plant even more.
Happy #ArborDay everyone 💚🎉
Montgomery County Department of Transportation Chief of Tree Maintenance Section, Brett Linkletter Receives Canopy Partnership Award
Details▶️ https://tinyurl.com/49ckn8d3
#ArborDay #trees #environment #earthmonth #green #wildlife #nativetrees #Forests4Climate #MontgomeryCountyMD #rockvillemd #bethesdamd #silverspringmd #wheatonmd
#arborday #Trees #environment #earthmonth #green #wildlife #nativetrees #forests4climate #montgomerycountymd #rockvillemd #bethesdamd #silverspringmd #wheatonmd
Speaking of Treez.... mmmm Platinum LCG #ArborDay #iAmTreePeople @russellrope @ https://russellrope.com/arborday2023/ 🌴🍋🍒🍧
It's #ArborDay in the US
A reminder from two forest ecologists:
Planting trees is great.
Nurturing trees is even better – especially as the biggest ecological benefits from forests come from ones that have grown for more than a decade.
#arborday #arborday2023 #Trees
Are you like me?
Do you also wish the trees would wake up from their long slumber, uproot themselves, march across the land, and take back all that was once theirs?
RT @brookfield_zoo
Don't leaf us hanging—take a springtime stroll through Brookfield Zoo for #ArborDay! BZ is both an accredited arboretum and part of the @FPDCC, and we have 100+ types of trees you can find throughout the park. Right now, many are in bloom. Visit http://CZS.org/TreeGuide for info!
Happy #ArborDay! Learn more about its origins and the central part played by YDS alum Birdsey Grant Northrop.
#yaledivinityschool #yale #arborday
RT @librarycongress
The Library's collections contain many important works of art, including more than 200+ Rembrandt etchings. This 1643 etching, "The Three Trees," is the largest of Rembrandt's landscape etchings & widely considered one of his greatest. Happy #ArborDay! http://go.loc.gov/oF4E50O1xQk
Happy #ArborDay! A new round of the Cuyahoga County Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Grant Program is now open. The program provides financial assistance for planning, maintenance, and tree plantings throughout Cuyahoga County.