Centenaire de l’ARC / Avions de brousse et de reconnaissance à lire sur : https://www.avionslegendaires.net/2023/09/actu/centenaire-de-larc-avions-de-brousse-et-de-reconnaissance — #arc #avionsdebrousse #avionsdereconnaissance #canada #centenaire #rcaf
#arc #avionsdebrousse #avionsdereconnaissance #canada #centenaire #rcaf
Tagging in a reply because I ran out of characters.
Saying good bye to #Arc browser. After several months of trying to use it, it just doesn’t mesh with my brain. The only feature I liked as the slim border, which made presenting a site in a zoom call quite nice. Otherwise, Arc and #Chrome are gone. #Safari and #Firefox remain in. It appears that the Firefox made Multi-account containers add-on will do roughly what Arc profiles did. Bon chance Arc!
Been using #ArcBrowser since March, but now I’m kind of fed up with it. I’m sure its amazing and I’m probably using only about 5% of its potential but the learning curve has been pretty steep.
I often have to go back to Safari because “it just works”, where the #Arc experience is so different that I find my productivity being reduced because of it.
Also it less well integrated than Safari with the Apple ecosystem, but that I knew from the start.
Nouvel article sur mon blog : impressions après un mois d'utilisation du navigateur web Arc ! La réinvention promise est-elle bien là ? #Arc #browser #ux #onboarding http://42rpm.fr/blog/index.php/2023/09/01/arc-browser-le-navigateur-qui-veut-nous-faire-redecouvrir-internet/
In case you missed it, our first work on the subject published in #EJA ⤵️
Evaluation of glomerular filtration rate using iohexol plasma clearance in critically ill patients with augmented renal creatinine clearance
#ARC #AugmentedCreatinineClearance #Iohexol #CriticalCare #NeuroCriticalCare
#eja #arc #augmentedcreatinineclearance #iohexol #CriticalCare #NeuroCriticalCare
Interested in Augmented Creatinine Clearance? We have a more nuanced point of view on what is actually being measured. ⤵️
Read our commentary in #NeuroCritCare
Augmented Creatinine Clearance in Critically Ill Patients with Acute Brain Injury: Are We Measuring Glomerular Filtration? 🧐
#NeuroCritCare #arc #augmentedcreatinineclearance #CriticalCare
È disponibile la beta di #Gnome #45, la cui final #release dovrebbe arrivare a settembre
Una descrizione delle caratteristiche si trova qui: https://9to5linux.com/gnome-45-beta-released-heres-whats-new
Il download si trova qui: https://discourse.gnome.org/t/gnome-45-beta-released/16766
#gnome #release #unolinux #linux #opensource #foss #fedora #ubuntu #arc
Y ahora en la puesta de sol. #photography #Breizh #ArC'hab #BegArRaz #BaeAnAnaon
#photography #breizh #arc #begarraz #baeananaon
😛 GPU Intel Arc A750, prestazioni migliori del 19% e nuovo software PresentMon
👉 https://gomoot.com/gpu-intel-arc-a750-prestazioni-migliori-del-19-e-nuovo-software-presentmon/
#intel #arc #gpu #gaming #game #videogiochi #pc #grafica #news #presentmon
#intel #arc #GPU #gaming #game #videogiochi #pc #grafica #news #presentmon
Schön setzt #Arc mit dem neusten Update den Schwerpunkt auf die Optimierung des Energieverbrauchs und der Performance.
Nella morte 2 | Evento #avanguardia #ARC-12 | #giornalmente #event #walkthrough video
#18agosto #ghostbusters https://telegra.ph/Nella-morte-2--Evento-avanguardia-ARC-12--giornalmente-event-walkthrough-video-08-18
#avanguardia #arc #giornalmente #event #walkthrough #18agosto #ghostbusters
The brand new browser #Arc seems interesting, but it looks like it has a steep learning curve...
I like the #arc browser so much! I had to switch back to Safari for a bit and I was looking forward to get back home to Arc :)
Made an #Arc boost to get this beautiful dinosaur into my Gmail.
I used to have it back in Atlantean times when I was running SquirrelMail on DreamHost.
Can you folks who have tried the #ArcBrowser do a compare and contrast with #Firefox? I am a really way far from an expert on #browser #security, and this #Arc thing is new to me.
#arcbrowser #firefox #browser #security #arc