So my album came out yesterday, but I know it's the time of year when most people are strapped for cash. So, here's some free download codes for it!
Redeem on Bandcamp:
#bandcamp #downloadcode #freedownloads #synthpunk #punk #synth #synthwave #electropunk #ArcadeDestiny
#arcadedestiny #electropunk #synthwave #synth #punk #SynthPunk #freedownloads #downloadcode #bandcamp
Just a little update: I've finished rec and mixing 5 songs from the new Arcade Destiny album I'm working on. That's like, 45% done! Woo!
#ArcadeDestiny #AlbumProgress #synthmusic #bandcamp
You can check out the previous albums on my Bandcamp
#bandcamp #synthmusic #albumprogress #arcadedestiny