And #ARCANET tries to solve real problems for real people out there. It tries to avoid those fights that have served our opponents. It's not about GPL v BSD. Open Source v Free Software. It should be about solving real problems for real people that are NOT #greybeards. Solutions. Not. Problems. This is the way. #SoapBoxOff
#arcanet #greybeards #soapboxoff
I will happily admit I am being biased by the #greybeard factor. So take this as exaggerated. What is the typical answer to all "why does #OldTech suck?" is the (fake) promise of monetisation through centralisation. E-Mail. Blogging. Newsletters. You name it. And no, it isn't always about 3E. Embrace, Extend, Extinguish. It happens. I've seen it. But it is also caused by neglect of us, the wieder community. #ARCANET is a positive way to reverse that trend. Solutions instead of problems :)
#ARCANET means knowing that a lot of the hype in IT is about reinventing the wheel. Of solving problems that have been solved already years ago. About being willing to be a code archeologist and revive and adapt those solutions instead of creating new ones. Jurassic Park, the utopian version ;) #OnlyHalfKidding
Arcane - Adj, Extremely old (e.g. interpretation or knowledge), and possibly irrelevant. Understood by only a few. Obscure, mysterious.
As I run my own e-mail server with #postfix, #dovecot, #sieve which is deemed by the Many to be exactly that - arcane - I will from now on call #SelfHosting and using battle-hardened (decentralised, open) protocols instead of shiny new (centralised, proprietary) things
... drumroll ...
And the logo shall be this #WordArt version. It is the Way.
#postfix #dovecot #sieve #selfhosting #arcanet #wordart